
Friday, June 14, 2024

Porn Star Sex Slave Now On Sale

Click on the pic to be whisked to Smashwords, where you can buy this taboo erotica novelette!

 I’m writing shorter pieces and I think they’re coming out sexier and punchier. And funnier, at times. In this one I’m not doing a lot of socialist propagandizing, though Mr. Master, the sexually dominant serial rapist who’s the male lead is wealthy. His wealth is incidental, though. He’s just the degenerate offspring of a wealthy family who uses the money he’s inherited to enable his serial raping and make it pretty much consequence free.

The female lead, Vera Vanique, is a bondage porn star, a bright and ambitious woman for whom sex is basically transactional. She’s also very good at her job. She likes the sex and the bondage but never lets it (or anything) get in the way of advancing her career. Still she is a basically pleasant and easygoing person and gets along well with people. She just doesn’t have a lot of illusions about human nature.

Mr. Master is prone to elaborate fantasies about the women who are his victims. He’s mentally very different from Vera. Most of the “action” of the story apart from all the rape and sexual bondage arises from the very different perceptions Vera and Mr. Master have about what’s going on.

There’s also a theme of appearance versus reality that contributes to a twist ending that I hope readers will have as much fun with as I did. Can’t say more about that except that the ending, while not the traditional HEA, is a happy ending of sorts. Read it and see. I think you’ll find it sexy, kinky, short, sweet and funny. 

Here's da blurb:

The heart of the serial rapist that bondage porn star Vera Vanique knew only as Mr. Master was set afire when he saw a picture of her posing naked and bound. Her body was so beautiful, her pose so submissive and vulnerable in her helpless bondage. Yet her expression was so defiant, so determined, revealing a spirit that soared far beyond her mundane physical beauty. Mr. Master had seen such women before, in magazines and videos and movies, and godlike being that he was, he recognized the goddess in Vera. And he knew that he had to have her. Making goddesses his own was his special thing in life, the thing that made his wealth and power worthwhile. He set his formidable intellect to the task, and very soon Vera would be enmeshed in his bonds, his to use and play with as was appropriate for the godlike beings that they were. Mr. Master would worship Vera in his own way, a way that other, lesser beings might describe as kidnapping and rape because that was the only way their limited intellects could understand it. But Mr. Master knew it was so much more, even though he called it kidnapping and rape in his own mind at times because he enjoyed glorying in the sheer evil of it, the sense that he was a being that was far beyond ordinary men, beyond good and evil. And if others could only see the simple physicality of his actions, or were overwhelmed by the distinct lack of consensuality involved, they were mere fools. Men had always bound and raped goddesses from time immemorial. It was the ultimate act of worship. And Mr. Master was nothing if not a devoted worshipper of the goddesses he raped. Can Vera survive Mr. Master's worship with her psyche intact? Is the raw defiance in the photo that Mr. Master is so taken with the reflection of an inner goddess that will allow her to transcend the indignities Mr. Master will subject her to as he uses her body as his helpless toy? You're going to have to read this 15,000+ word novelette to find out!
And here's a link to the image that inspired the story, a photo by Jon Mann of model Pure Rebel on DeviantArt.

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