
Saturday, August 31, 2024

"Four Slave Girls Lost In the Sands of Time" Is Now On Sale

You can get this book by clicking on this text or the pic. The cover characters seen here are, from left to right: Mincy from "Bound for Bebop City," Princess Buttur-Kup from "Princess Slave Girl of Bal-Marduk," Arlette from "Virgin Slave Girls of Parados" and Pam Stone/Inex from "Blast From The Past."

This is a collection of four stories that are on sale individually on Smashwords, now bundled together for a single incredibly low price. You can still buy them separately if you wany to pay a lot more if you want to. In fact, over this Labor Day weekend I'm knocking a buck off the price, taking it down from its regular price of $3.99 to a sale price of $2.99 if you use the coupon code, which is: DY88D. 

They are the stories of four slave girls from four different eras, their common coin is their submission to the powerful people who own and control them. It’s historical BDSM erotica at its best.

In “Princess Slave Girl of Bal-Marduk,” Princess Buttur-Kup’s life is upended when the Korgan horde conquers her city, killing all the men, enslaving all the women and children, demoting all the slaves to domestic animals and demoting all the domestic animals to interns, as was fitting and proper in those times. (This may well be the funniest story I've ever written, as I put the funny pedal to the floor and mocked the living hell out of every bad B-movie about ancient times I have ever seen, which is just about all of them, while showing how pathetically weak and sexless they are.)

As a slave Princess Buttur-Kup soon learns the horrors of slavery such as prehistoric beauty salon treatments and sexual mosh pits. It’s all in a day’s slavery in the city that time tried really, really hard to forget.

In “Blast from the Past” archaeologist Pam Stone has a secret. An extremely successful archaeologist in her twenties, her success is in part due to the fact that some of the artifacts she handles give her glimpses into the lives of those who handled them.

While in Kabukistan searching for the lost city of Bal Marduk, Pam discovers what seems to be the ruins of Bal-Marduk, but when she touches a length of chain bolted into an ancient wall, she finds herself living the memories of Inex, a slave girl held captive in the Bronze Age city of Haruzza.

Pam comes to minutes later in her own time, but Inex’s memories spanned weeks. And Pam’s memories of the horrors and cruelties of life as a captive slave girl change her, in ways that may save her life. It's a thrillah!

In “Virgin Slave Girls of Parados” Old West farmgirls Matty McGee and Arlene Beaver Dance are out on the town for the first time since turning 18. They’re finally eligible for a man’s collar and they’re visiting friends in town and keeping an eye out for young Masters who might have a collar for their lovely young necks.

One friend is in the town stocks, being punitively raped by various townsmen for shooting up the town. Another friend is a ponygirl who’s a math prodigy when she’s not running around naked dragging a shay with a buttplug tail in place, being used at the whim of her driver. And another friend is a saloon slave whore who must sexually serve any customer with the money right there at his or her table, whose childhood sweetheart lost her to the town saloon when he wagered her in a poker game he was sure he would win.

Finally Matty and Arlene decide to have some fun for themselves, and well, things go very wildly for them in this alternate Old West.

(Virgin Slave Girls of Parados is not really a parody of Western movies and books, but it's definitely got sly humor mixed in. It's particularly based on "Support Your Local Sheriff." There's a reason the girl in the stocks is named Patience and that she is there because she shot up the town because an unattractive man named Elmer offered her a collar.)

In “Bound for Bebop City” sweet, virginal Mincy turns 18 and is taken off nersha, a drug that spares her the hormonal storms of puberty and also leaves her disinterested in sex. Unfortunately when you go off nersha all the pent-up hormones explodes in a storm of sexual lust.

And sweet virginal Mincy becomes a lust-crazed would-be sex slave, ready to take the collar of any young Master who will offer her one. And so she hops on her bike and cruises the neighborhood for Masters. Who will she find to collar her, and what kind of unholy orgy of kinky bondage lust will ensue? Because of course, she’ll be looking for young Masters her own age, who have also been taken off nersha, with the same hormonally explosive results!

This collection of stories offers nothing new, just the chance to read them for a low, low price if you haven't already.

Friday, July 26, 2024

The Billionaire and the Dancing Slave Girl Now On Smashwords

"The Billionaire and the Dancing Slave Girl" by Pat Powers, known on Amazon as "The Billionaire and the Dancing Slavegirl" by Skyler Kennedy, is now on sale on Smashwords. 

There's an interesting story behind the name change. "Billionaire" is a kinky erotic romance with an HEA (Happily Ever After). I've read that the vast majority of erotic romance readers are women. And that they tended to be suspicious of male writers of erotic romances. So for this story I decided to don a blonde wig and write as Skyler Kennedy, female erotic romance writer and see what happened to sales. Would a female name make up for the lack of the Pat Powers imprimatur?

The answer, sadly, was "no." Sales were poorer than most of my Pat Powers stories. Though the book didn't fall off a cliff economically like my lesbian sexual dimorphism fantasy erotic bdsm romance "Tiny, Big." Which may have been a much tinier niche thant it should have been. Microniches lead to micro sales.

My current WIP is novella length and will very likely go to novel length, so to get something published this month I dusted off "Billionaire" which is a FINE kinky erotic romance with lots of maledom/femsub sexual bondage, as well as an orgy, public nudity and public sex, involving a motorcycle gang. It's a much better story than its sales under the Skyler Kennedy pseudonym would indicate. We'll see how it does on Smashwords. Er, Direct to Digital.

I created new cover art for "Billionaire." My original cover art for the Amazon edition is here:

Check out the veil on that dancing slavegirl!

It's a fine cover, just not as sexy as it could be. The hardest part of it was the veil. The model for the bellydancer's face was bare in the Deposit Photos image. Clothed models often do not care to have their faces visible on erotica novel covers. So I did the logical thing: I went to Second Life and pulled up a veil and made screenshots of it at the angle I needed. Then I pasted on top of the model's face. It took a bit of finicky work to get it to look natural, but when you're a whiz-bang GIMP user like me, no problem.

The only real change to the new cover is the dancer. I wanted someone more naked to take advantage of the greater freedom Smashwords gives to authors with regard to covers. I also wanted a more active, sexy pose. So it was off to Second Life where I ran an appropriately costumed avatar through a few dance animations and took photos of the avatar as it danced. I got quite a few lively images but the one that really stood out is this one:

Very nice in an avatar-ish way.

I liked the exploded hair, the way the arms are lost in the hair, the curvy hips and breasts, and the dynamic pose of the legs. But a lot of the joins in the body, like the inner thighs and especially the left waist were off, and the hair was too angular. So it was off to Leonardo AI, where I was planning to go anyway.

I ran the image above through Leonardo AI's Image to Image program and after several iteration, I got this:

All the problems I had had with the avatar image resolved with the press of a button. Fricking miraculous. 

I ran the Leonardo AI image through a background remover on Deposit Photos and the image above is what resulted. I shrank it and placed it on the Deposit Photos background image of the billionaire and bob's yer uncle, new cover.

The End

Friday, June 14, 2024

Porn Star Sex Slave Now On Sale

Click on the pic to be whisked to Smashwords, where you can buy this taboo erotica novelette!

 I’m writing shorter pieces and I think they’re coming out sexier and punchier. And funnier, at times. In this one I’m not doing a lot of socialist propagandizing, though Mr. Master, the sexually dominant serial rapist who’s the male lead is wealthy. His wealth is incidental, though. He’s just the degenerate offspring of a wealthy family who uses the money he’s inherited to enable his serial raping and make it pretty much consequence free.

The female lead, Vera Vanique, is a bondage porn star, a bright and ambitious woman for whom sex is basically transactional. She’s also very good at her job. She likes the sex and the bondage but never lets it (or anything) get in the way of advancing her career. Still she is a basically pleasant and easygoing person and gets along well with people. She just doesn’t have a lot of illusions about human nature.

Mr. Master is prone to elaborate fantasies about the women who are his victims. He’s mentally very different from Vera. Most of the “action” of the story apart from all the rape and sexual bondage arises from the very different perceptions Vera and Mr. Master have about what’s going on.

There’s also a theme of appearance versus reality that contributes to a twist ending that I hope readers will have as much fun with as I did. Can’t say more about that except that the ending, while not the traditional HEA, is a happy ending of sorts. Read it and see. I think you’ll find it sexy, kinky, short, sweet and funny. 

Here's da blurb:

The heart of the serial rapist that bondage porn star Vera Vanique knew only as Mr. Master was set afire when he saw a picture of her posing naked and bound. Her body was so beautiful, her pose so submissive and vulnerable in her helpless bondage. Yet her expression was so defiant, so determined, revealing a spirit that soared far beyond her mundane physical beauty. Mr. Master had seen such women before, in magazines and videos and movies, and godlike being that he was, he recognized the goddess in Vera. And he knew that he had to have her. Making goddesses his own was his special thing in life, the thing that made his wealth and power worthwhile. He set his formidable intellect to the task, and very soon Vera would be enmeshed in his bonds, his to use and play with as was appropriate for the godlike beings that they were. Mr. Master would worship Vera in his own way, a way that other, lesser beings might describe as kidnapping and rape because that was the only way their limited intellects could understand it. But Mr. Master knew it was so much more, even though he called it kidnapping and rape in his own mind at times because he enjoyed glorying in the sheer evil of it, the sense that he was a being that was far beyond ordinary men, beyond good and evil. And if others could only see the simple physicality of his actions, or were overwhelmed by the distinct lack of consensuality involved, they were mere fools. Men had always bound and raped goddesses from time immemorial. It was the ultimate act of worship. And Mr. Master was nothing if not a devoted worshipper of the goddesses he raped. Can Vera survive Mr. Master's worship with her psyche intact? Is the raw defiance in the photo that Mr. Master is so taken with the reflection of an inner goddess that will allow her to transcend the indignities Mr. Master will subject her to as he uses her body as his helpless toy? You're going to have to read this 15,000+ word novelette to find out!
And here's a link to the image that inspired the story, a photo by Jon Mann of model Pure Rebel on DeviantArt.

Friday, May 24, 2024

Sex Slave Boss Now On Sale

Click on the pic to get the book. Just $1.99 on Smashwords!

I'm combining two of my favorite subjects, rape and labor negotiations, in a short story that has to be read to be enjoyed. Business owner Edie Fabarge and cubicle dweller Sam “Slab” Bacon were not a couple. He was the unofficial office labor representative, Edie was the business owner, staunchly anti-union and anti-time off for her workers. But there was more to both of them than meets the eye. And when Sam negotiates for a weekends off for the staff, the negotiations involve forced sexual bondage, bondage sex, forced seduction, rape, forced submission and… a happily ever after?

This 7,000+ word story is a short, filthy ride into the depths of rape erotica and the most bizarre labor negotiations ever!

Friday, May 3, 2024

Slave Girl Cosplayers Is Now On Sale!


Vicky and Sherry loved to go to Wyvern con and parade around in their sexy, barely there Slave Girl Gaia outfits, letting the guys lead them around by a leash attached to their collars and waggling their butts. They loved being a part of the con cosplayer crowd, and they loved being hot, sexy parts of the cosplayers crowd. Most of all, they liked hanging around the cons late at night when there were plenty of drunk, horny guys around who were irresistibly attracted to sexy cosplayers, most especially skimpily clad sexy cosplayers like Vicky and Sherry. At such times, the fanboys’ fantasies grew wild and their common sense evaporated and it became ridiculously easy for Vicky and Sherry to get drunken fanboys to give them cash just by letting them indulge in their own sex slave fantasies, and then ghost them. Especially if you kept your economic “misunderstandings” down to a couple of hundred dollars max. Sherry and Vicky didn’t think of their late-night fleecing of Slave Gaia fanboys as grifting or conning fans. They thought of it as teasing or gaming drunken fans. In their minds it was at most mildly larcenous cosplay. But opinions differed among male fans, who saw Sherry and Vicky as predators. And when a group of them get together and talk about their experiences being fleeced by Sherry and Vicky, a plan arises. A plan that involves kidnapping, sexual bondage, sex slavery, rape, whipping and sexual domination, forcing Vicky and Sherry to enact every depraved fantasy that they had invited the guys to have about them. It’s a days-long sex show of unlimited rape, degradation, bondage and humiliation starring a very unwilling Sherry and Vicky. Will the guys’ plans succeed? And if they do, how will Sherry and Vicky handle it? And how will the guys handle it? Will there be consequences and if so, what?

You’ll just have to read this 29,000 word novella to find out!

Friday, April 19, 2024

Pat Powers' 420 Filthy Bondage Book Sale!


I'm having a 420 Filthy Bondage Book Sale! Starting at midnight EST on 4/20/2024 and ending on 4/21/2024, all my $5.99 filthy bondage books, which are mostly story collections, will be on sale for $4.20! Enjoy the day! Drugs AND kinky sex, it's the most fun ever! Here's the list of books, click on the links to be whisked away:

Riverbeast: The Journey 

President Slave Girl: Books 1-4

Adventures of Bondor Woman

The Honey Trapp Adventures

The Slave Girl Diet

Use coupon  BA86U to get an extra 10 percent off! Have a great 4/20.

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Crosstime Sex Slave: The Underpinnings


"Crosstime Sex Slave" is now on sale on Smashwords. Just $2.99 for this 25,000 word novella!

I wrote Crosstime Sex Slave with the intention of creating a platform for writing short stories, novelettes and novellas with sexual bondage rape scenes. It seemed simple enough. And I think I did a great job. Too good of a job in fact.

So I invented the planet Gork, which if you think it looks just like Gor with a “k” added, you’re a very suspicious person. Gork is not Gor however, except for being a totally sexist slaveholding culture. But Gork is technologically advance, not just beyond Gor, which, let’s admit it, is a VERY low bar, but also beyond Earth and even beyond Collar World, which IS saying something.

The Gorks have crosstime technology that allows them to travel between alternate timelines, and they use it to raid other timelines for comely young female sex slaves, which are the best for cishet males in a depraved slaveholding culture.

In addition, the Gorks have advanced medical nanotech that allows them to take over and control the nervous systems of their captives, making them willing and able to do whatever they are told.

They also have medical tech that lets the local slaves live for 200 years, looking young and healthy and beautiful for 195 of those years.

And the slavegirls spend most of those 195 years of beauty having sex with whoever fucks them, without any choice at all about who it is or what kind of sex it is.

You’d think this would make them all grumpy and unhappy, or to be more realistic, angry and murderous/suicidal. However, the nanotech implants in the slaves’ nervous systems keep them feeling relaxed and happy about whatever is done to them, and whatever they do. It’s a truly fiendish thing. The slaves are not even allowed to be upset by their situation. They literally CAN’T be upset. If you ordered one to crawl into a wood chipper they’d happily, relaxedly do it. Until they got chopped up.

The implants also include oral clits and anal clits and a generally juiced-up (so to speak) response to any sexual activity. Sex is overwhelmingly powerful for them as well, and orgasms are multiple by default.

And the progress of the story is the protagonist discovering all these features during her time on Gork.

And all of this is set up in the beginning of the story, so no real spoilers here. Because there’s some twists and turns to the story, and you’ll just have to read it to learn it.

Anyway, that’s why the cover and promotional art features naked women wearing big happy grins, surrounded by drunken college students. It’s an accurate image of what goes on! But what is going on is still fiendish.