
Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Spring Has Sprung And You Can Too 2

 A couple of new promo posts for "Read An Ebook Week" which is going along nicely, thanks!

Who doesn't like a cute elf woman, collared and bound?

Her lips say "I'm all ball-gagged and can't say anything" but her body says, "Come and get it!"

And who doesn't love it when grandma leaps and gambols in the flowers in the near-altogether?

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Hindsight Is 20/20

She should have become suspicious when the location of the ob-gyn clinic turned out to be an abandoned warehouse.

Felony (gagged) and Claire Adams in shoot 5555.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Kling AI Devolves Into Leonardo AI Madness With New Prison Bitch 3 Promo Video!

This is the image I sent to Kling AI to create a motion video with. 
It's basically a promo still I made for "Prison Bitch 3" without 
some of the purple haze obscuring the woman hanging onto a chain
 and a dead body that I thought would just clutter up the image. 
The prompt was: "A woman gyrates on a chain dangling from the 
ceiling of a night club filled with purple haze while men dance
 and fire guns excitedly in the background."

This is the first motion video I got:
Pretty good, except her face and body were doing more morphing 
than I expected from Kling. Especially right at the end. I mean, 
it looks like her body was trying to turn into a hand right at the end.

Quite a handsome almost-woman!

So I rolled the dice again and got this:
A pretty good video except for the OTHER HEAD 
Details, details, some might say. But I say that the sight 
of a fully formed adult woman's head issuing from a
 woman's crotch might just disturb some of our viewers.
 You know... the sane ones.

Yeah, we're def getting into Leonardo AI Lovecraftian nightmare
 territory in this still from the video above. And if youre wondering
 what I mean by "Leonardo AI Lovecraftian nightmare territory,"
Here's a link to some Leonardo AI motion videos that explain it all too well. 

I'll probably just go with the handy video. The other one would probably just get called "obscene" and I can't really argue with that. But at least there's no nudity!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Luncheon Order Gone Way Wrong!

"When I asked for a nice palette cleanser I didn't mean THIS!"

Sandra Romain, possessor of one of the prettiest butts in porn, attempts to clarify her order.
From Kink shoot 3494.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Hung Out To Die In Prison Bitch 3!

Another promo for the upcoming "Prison Bitch 3" a novel you can't buy today, February 28th,
even if you wanted to which of course you can't because you are observing the boycott on buying
things today. Also because it's not finished yet. Details, details.