
Sunday, March 9, 2025

Tan Lines And Pasties: Secret To Success With Kling AI?

I thought I'd see how my Ebook promo week images might do with Kling AI. I took this image, which was a nude Second Life avatar run through Leonardo AI's Image to Image app. Leonardo AI interpreted the avatar's nipples as pasties and deepened the avatar's tan lines until they were almost bralike, probably in the insensate AI desire to make a bra, but not quite making it. I wondered: could this image slide past Kling's notoriously prudish censorship and make a nude woman dancing among flowers in park while under the impression it was a woman in a bra? Well, there was only one way to find out...

And the answer to our question was, "Oh, yes, yes, hell yes." 
That's how you beat censorship, you have to keep sliding one 
toe over the line until how many get chopped off. Figuratively speaking.
 Anyway, gorgeous video, not sure what I'll do but damn I do like it.

Friday, March 7, 2025

We've all been there...

You're all set for some vanilla sex with your woman and she's wearing THAT expression...
(Penny Pax from shoot 44607.)

But thanks to the magic of sexual bondage, you can turn that frown upside-down!
(Sensei Pearl in shoot 46537.)

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Spring Has Sprung And You Can Too 2

 A couple of new promo posts for "Read An Ebook Week" which is going along nicely, thanks!

Who doesn't like a cute elf woman, collared and bound?

Her lips say "I'm all ball-gagged and can't say anything" but her body says, "Come and get it!"

And who doesn't love it when grandma leaps and gambols in the flowers in the near-altogether?

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Hindsight Is 20/20

She should have become suspicious when the location of the ob-gyn clinic turned out to be an abandoned warehouse.

Felony (gagged) and Claire Adams in shoot 5555.

Monday, March 3, 2025

Kling AI Devolves Into Leonardo AI Madness With New Prison Bitch 3 Promo Video!

This is the image I sent to Kling AI to create a motion video with. 
It's basically a promo still I made for "Prison Bitch 3" without 
some of the purple haze obscuring the woman hanging onto a chain
 and a dead body that I thought would just clutter up the image. 
The prompt was: "A woman gyrates on a chain dangling from the 
ceiling of a night club filled with purple haze while men dance
 and fire guns excitedly in the background."

This is the first motion video I got:
Pretty good, except her face and body were doing more morphing 
than I expected from Kling. Especially right at the end. I mean, 
it looks like her body was trying to turn into a hand right at the end.

Quite a handsome almost-woman!

So I rolled the dice again and got this:
A pretty good video except for the OTHER HEAD 
Details, details, some might say. But I say that the sight 
of a fully formed adult woman's head issuing from a
 woman's crotch might just disturb some of our viewers.
 You know... the sane ones.

Yeah, we're def getting into Leonardo AI Lovecraftian nightmare
 territory in this still from the video above. And if youre wondering
 what I mean by "Leonardo AI Lovecraftian nightmare territory,"
Here's a link to some Leonardo AI motion videos that explain it all too well. 

I'll probably just go with the handy video. The other one would probably just get called "obscene" and I can't really argue with that. But at least there's no nudity!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Luncheon Order Gone Way Wrong!

"When I asked for a nice palette cleanser I didn't mean THIS!"

Sandra Romain, possessor of one of the prettiest butts in porn, attempts to clarify her order.
From Kink shoot 3494.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Hung Out To Die In Prison Bitch 3!

Another promo for the upcoming "Prison Bitch 3" a novel you can't buy today, February 28th,
even if you wanted to which of course you can't because you are observing the boycott on buying
things today. Also because it's not finished yet. Details, details.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Please DON'T Buy Any Of My Books On February 28!

Doctor Feelgood hated to have to do it, but it was the only way to be really sure that her patient wouldn't buy a Pat Powers book on February 28. (From shoot 9454.)

Tomorrow, Feb. 28, will be a nationwide boycott of big corporations by all consumers designed to show the oligarchs of this country the perils of making the citizenry angry. The outrages that Elon Musk has been committing in Washington have got to stop! Don't buy from Amazon, don't buy from Walmart, don't buy from Target, don't buy from Home Depot, any of those huge retailers. And if you're thinking, "I bet nobody bought any of his books on February 27," my only reply is: "How did you know?"

Now if you want to go to a locally owned retailer, a bookstore perhaps, that will be fine. We have no beef with local businesses, we want the Big Boys to feel some pain, however. Just a twinge, to show them how risky their current madness is. 

Do it for your country, and do it for yourself!

If you MUST buy one of my books, and really, everyone should, you can save yourself some money by purchasing my works duing the Fabulous Read An E-Book Week Sale scheduled for from March 2 to March 8, 2025 on Smashwords. I've dropped the prices on many of my books for the sale and there might even be a freebie or two!

Of course, some of you are thinking, "I'll just not buy anything on March 1, either!" well, all I can say is, I am a terrible, terrible marketer.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Library Protocol For Slaves


Slavegirls should always be gagged when being used in a library, so as not to disturb other library
patrons unduly. That's Amber Keen being used in shoot 6425.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Red Hell In Prison Bitch 3!

This has that modern men's adventure magazine feel that I really like in art. Plus it's a kinda close approximation of an important scene in the book. Win! Win! Features two Second Life avatars run through Leonardo AI and background art generated with prompts in Leonardo AI. Plus lots of work on shadows and details with GIMP. Woo-hoo!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Great Steampunk Bondage Imagery

A lot of bondage porn looks pretty much the same. It can't be helped, human bodies only move in so many different directions. But some photos really stand out above the rest, and this is one of them, IMHO. It's your classic Steampunk Bondage image. the dark-grained wood-background, the archaic-looking electric lights with wire cages instead of lampshades, the metal rack to her right, the metal tubes that make up he complex bondage seat, and most of all the goggles she wears all contribute. She (Cherie Deville in shoot 42356) looks like a Victorian subspace explorer testing the very limits of human sexuality, boldly going where no Victorian scientist has gone before! And at the same time there's such helplessness and vulnerability there, with her arms held wide apart and behind her back by her intractable metal bonds, her legs spread wide, her gagged mouth with the trickle of drool running from her facial lips all the way down to her torso to her reddened pussy lips. Obviously something was really active with her pussy, the reddening of arousal is there for all to see. What roused her so cruelly? Perhaps we shall never know.

All right, all right. It was a vibrator that cranked her up!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

What if Aubrey Plaza Had REALLY Huge Breasts?

It's the sort of question anyone might ask themselves as they're bopping along down the street enjoying the vibrations at the 27th energy level. "What if actress Aubrey Plaza had REALLY huge, ginormous, bazongas! Breasts far beyond the pale of the ordinary? What WOULD she look like? In this image from Plaza's time in the "Community" TV series you can almost imagine that she is asking herself that very question! Would you have to search for a nefarious Deep Fake, surrendering you immortal id to the relentless advance of AI image creation? Or hope some Photoshop wizard could conjure up something magical to show you what it might look like? No you would not!

Here's KittyDanx of Reddit, aka Mika Blue, an internet model and generally attractive person who happens to look very much like Aubrey Plaza, at least in this photo. And her breasts do answer the question! 
The Internet is GREAT for answering questions like that!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Ladies and Gentlemen, Miss Lola Falana and the Blobular Dancers Present "Prison Bitch 3: The Vegas Spectacular" Featuring Kling AI!

Once again, this wasn't EXACTLY what I intended to get, but I still love it. My prompt was: "One female dancer and several male dancers who are carrying guns leap and gyrate wildly in a smoky club." And I have to admit, I got exactly what I asked for. I mean, faces got blurred, limbs morphed and guns did inexplicable things, but with all the smoke and excited leaping about and hullabaloo it just doesn't matter. To me, anyway. Just more weird fun. Someday this might be a technology, but as for now... 

The image this is based on was the one used in my promo image from yesterday, I just rotated the female figure to a vertical position and painted a bra on her to make Kling AI happy. 

Friday, February 21, 2025

Ass The Weather Vane Turns

I know what the weather vane says: "Cock-a-doodle-do! Any dude'll do!"

Image looks like classic House of Gord. Nobody else does it quite like them.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

New Prison Bitch 3 Promo! Now With Breast Warning!

Dynamic action as you've never seen it before!

Also, for timid platforms, I have:

Protecting America from the sight of female breasts!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Worship Your Plastic God, Slut!

I'll take "What's the naughtiest-looking thing you can do without any actual human
body parts coming in contact with any actual human body parts?" for $100, Alex!

 From shoot 8491 featuring Madison Scott (naked) and Felony (clothed).

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day To All!

"Life is like a box of chocolates... you never know what you'll get."

Source: unknown. Would love to know it!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Archimedes And The Forced Orgasm


I'm pretty sure it was Archimedes who said, "Give me a lever long enough and I will make the Earth move for any woman." Adding a vibrating wand to the end of the lever is a more recent innovation, but the principle remains the same.

That's Sensei Pearl feeling the earth move in shoot 46537.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Post Cunnilingual

For a brief moment Alexa wondered if she was coming on too strong. Then she thought, "Naaah."

TThis is Alexa and Kayla from shoot 4356. I'm not sure which is who.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Halfway Victory Achieved Over Kling AI Censorship, Sort Of!

Kling did not want this video made... but I made it anyway... with Kling AI... and Leonardo AI... and Second Life... and CapCut! (You can buy "Sword and Submission," the book this promotes, right here!)

I based the video on the promo artwork I did yesterday, hence the remarkable similarity between it and the video, whch are more or less the same  except for the motion. I submitted the artwork to Kling, sans type, along with a prompt saying "a beautiful woman dances in a tavern." I expected a motion video. I got Kling's ever-so-unhelpful message saying "Upload Failed. Please upload a different image." A quick trip to Google-land interpreted this bland message as, "This is NSFW PORN, you PERVERT! Put clothes on the people in your image and stop making them have evil, degenerate sex!"

Which was weird, because there was no nudity in the image or the prompt, just a woman dressed in a bikini dancing for a bunch of guys wearing loincloths. If this is porn, so is every last beach movie ever made, going right back to those 1960s films starring Annette Funicello and Tommy Sands or whomever. Way to go, Kling AI!

So I figured the Kling's automated censor might be gender-confused: there were lots of huge, naked breasts on the male tavern customers, and there was a beautiful woman, so the censor somehow got beautiful woman with huge, naked breasts. If only. So I tested the theory. I uploaded the two images separately. It was easy because the woman was on a different layer in GIMP than the tavern in the background. The woman is  the usual SL avatar run through Leonardo AI (to escape Leonardo's stupid censorship) to get a lifelike naked woman. 

Weirdly enough, it worked. Well, not as much as I'd hoped. I tried uploading the naked image of dancing slave Zindra, hoping it would slide past. It did not, dammit. So I uploaded clothed slave Zindra to Kling AI and no problem. I also tried uploading naked Zindra to Kling AI to see if she could slide by all by her lonesome, but no, Kling responded with its unhelpful message and didn't give me a video.

Slave Zindra, dancing by herself, poor thing.

The tavern and its brawny bare-chested occupants were the product of a prompt from Leonardo (did not ask for nudity or sex) and after I ran a couple of iterations, I had an image that worked. I uploded it to Kling all by its lonesome with no problem.

Just a bunch of guys drinking without any dancing slavegirls to fuck them.

Somehow I had to get those two videos together, and by "somehow" I mean with the aid of a video editing program called Capcut. It's a free program, well a nerfed version is free. With the nerfed version you can still stack several videos atop one another. Full program rents for $30 a month. The paid version has a pushbutton background eliminator that's sweet but I make do with the nerfed version because $$. It can eliminate backgrounds, too, but it's more of a PITA than the pushbutton version. So I took pains and overlapped the two vids, and exported them and got the video at the top of the post. Was it worth it? No idea, but it was interesting and fun, and I got a short but good video out of it.

Friday, January 31, 2025

New Promo Image for Sword and Submission

Came up with a new promo for Sword and Submission. Looking for that image that will reach into the subconscious of my readers and drag them to my books. I think this one might be effective. Her nakedness and vulnerability in the midst of the shirtless, muscular barbarian guys will hopefully press a few buttons in a few ids. We shall see! Here's a link to the book just in case: Sword and Submission.

Due to Facebook's stupid censorship regimen I had to come up with a version that hides the goodies because Oh, no! Sigh. Not nearly as effective if you ask me. (Not that any of the tech bros ever does.) You can see for yourself and make up your own mind. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

It's a Clitsumani!

She was such a prolific squirter that all her dom could do was stand by with a bucket!

From shoot 3441 featuring Christina Carter.

Monday, January 27, 2025

A Long Night of Barbaric Love

A new promo image I created for "Sword and Submission." It's pretty much a scene from the novel. I used a Second Life avatar that I ran through Leonardo AI and a prompt for some barbaric warriors standing in a tavern. Add a cutline and Instant Promo.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Silence Is Slippery

"Silence the slavegirl's lips!" bellowed the king and his minions sprang into action. 

The king inspected their work. "It's not what I had in mind, but I'll allow it," the king said.

From shoot 40172. That's Roxanne Rae being silenced, not Rachel Ray. Whole different genre!