The fact that the beauty product in question is from Japan is totally unsurprising.
Here's a VERY intriguing Japanese product from Ana Kasparian's "The Point." You have to watch the video to see what it's about, all I have to say is, any beauty product that involved wearing what appears to be a large ballgag and making blowjob motions with your head is A-OK in my book, whether it works or not! Having sexy news babes Ana Kasparian and Gina Grad discussion it does not hurt at all ... Ana's expression after airing the clip alone is worth the time it takes to watch the clip. "The Point with Ana Kasparian" has evolved into quite the fun little Youtube show.
By the way, Ana Kasaparian has a bondage porn clone. You can see for yourself here and here.
Hey pat, did you know about/donated to this yet? You really should, its a good looking project.
I have heard of it, but thanks for bringing it up. I am not all that interested in tabletop RPGs, it seems to me that an MMORPG like Second Life Gor is much more immersive, but I'm open to counter-arguments. For example, I imagine its a lot easier to generate a compelling and interesting storyline via a tabletop RPG. Perhaps I'll have to contact the author of the indiegogo and put up a post.
Yeah the main draw for tabletop gaming is indeed the ability to use your own creativity to a greater degree, and its more of an intimate setting with friends.
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