"I do not believe we have been formally introduced, Earthman."
Sometimes you just know. This is Traci Lords posing as Deja Thoris for a SyFy Channel cheapie version of Edgar Rice Burroughs' "A Princess of Mars." Burroughs' Mars books have been in development hell in Hollywood since the early Cretaceous. (Disney/Pixar has a more, shall we say, funded version in post production and due for a 2012 release.)
Anyway, this ain't that one, this is one that totally fizzled, and the costume alone tells the tale. It's a clumsily done copy of the Star Wars Slave Leia outfit. Just check the original out, taking note of the patterned metal bra, the metal bikini bottom and the purple mud flaps:

The one, the only, the original Slave Leia!
If they couldn't do any better than a clumsy copy of the Slave Leia outfit for the incomparable Dejah Thoris (she ran about virtually naked in the novels, making her a favorite for illustrators (see my article on that topic here) there's NO WAY the rest of the movie could have been worth a flip. And truly, it was not.