"I thought the New World Order was a fashion design label!" Image source: vidcap from the Rocket Radio Show.
Well it's time for some bull-goose looneytude, and I've got a topnotch example to hand. This Youtube video from the Rocket Radio Show is a weird mashup of New World Order conspiracy theorizing, bondage porn, sexy dancing, and inaccurate accounts of real life slavery.
Of course, the theory that Obama's mama was a bondage model still takes the cake for whacky political theorizing, but this one makes up in bull goose lunacy what it lacks in current political relevance.
The New World Order is a longtime right-wing conspiracy theory (we're talking Woodrow Wilson style longtime!) about various international groups -- leftists, jews, the Triateral Commission, communists, Catholics, travel agencies, lingerie football leagues, you know, the usual -- who have established a cabal intent on setting up a single government to rule the entire world (a "one ring to bind them all" kind of thing from the conservative POV).
The government would eliminate all lesser government and force us all to take up fluoridation, miscegenation, gay marriage, Communism, have abortions, and proclaim all glory to the Hypno-Toad, or the Trilateral Commission, depending.
But Rocket of the Rocket Radio Show, the creator of this video, thinks the New World Order will be achieved via a worldwide catastrophe of some kind, and that the miserable few survivors of the catastrophe will be literally enslaved by the New World Order, and then he goes into this long diatribe about slavery with lots of images of women in slavery (always women, a good indicator we are into sex fantasy territory here) from various movies and also some BDSM-inspired Poser art that I've seen on the walls of Second Life taverns and on DeviantArt.
His point was that viewers do not understand the reality of slavery, how horrible the real thing was, and he's probably right about that. But he talks about commercial (i.e., non-war) galleys in Roman times being rowed by all-female crews, who had rings welded in their labia, which were welded to rings set in the bench the oarwoman sat at, so that she could never get up from it (eeeew).
It sure sounded like a fantasy to me so I did some research. The Wikipedia page on the topic of galley slaves assured me that Roman galley slaves were largely a myth: most galleys were oared by free men. I could find no reference to real galleys rowed by female galley slaves, though there were a number of BDSM related fiction novels on the topic and one mainstream movie with such imagery.
(Galley slaves chained to their benches DID exist, they appear to have been confined to the 15th through 17th century in Europe and the Middle East, where being a galley slave was a common punishment. All male. No fun.)

The Magic Christian features naked female galley slaves in chains, but to be fair, it seems to realize it's fiction. Image source: vidcap from the Magic Christian found here, a post I'll be linking to again soon.
Anyway, watch the video, enjoy, I lurve me some bull-goose looney conspiracy theorizing, and who knows, maybe Fox News will take this stuff seriously at some point, and I'll have a good retro-laugh over it.
My favorite recent New World Order conspiracy theory came from that judge in Texas who anticipated a civil war if Obama was reelected, based on his contention that Obama would then hand over U.S. sovereignty to the United Nations, and the good people of Texas would stand armed at the state border to repel U.N. forces. As far as I am aware, the judge never explained (1) why Obama, already being president, would wait for this until after an election he might lose, thereby blowing his opportunity to do what he wanted, (2) what Obama stood to gain from giving up being the world's most powerful man, or (3) why only Texans would object. (I could go on to (4), (5), (6), and any number of other questions related to the judge's sanity.) Anyway, with the world ending on Dec. 21, 2012, before Obama's second term even starts, I guess the whole thing is moot. (But great artwork. Thank you.)
Kind of alarming that they make people who believe in New World Order conspiracies judges in Texas. Leaves you wondering ... aren't there any grown-ups living down there?
Hello, and thank you for reviewing my work. I also did a female chaingang video if you like that too.
I only wish i had the time to devote to that video as i completed it in one day.
As you can see here in 2014 the world is actually imploding and modern human slavery is on the rise.
First they ignore you,
Then they ridicule you
A person would have to be blind not to see the New World Order is here.
Cheers, keep watchong, there is more content.
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