
Wednesday, December 8, 2021

The Jinkie Jenkins Adventures Bundle Now on Smashwords

All three Jinkie Jenkins adventures are bundled in one glorious package, and now on sale at Smashwords for just $4.95 for 110,000 words of pure reading pleasure, especially if you like filthy, kinky science fiction.

Here's the blurb:

“I'm going to be a sex reporter? And my beat is going to be WHAT?”

Those are the first words of newly hired reporter Jinkie Jenkins, right out of journalism school, when her editor, Grabthar Assurilogan of the Interstellar Inquirer, put her on the Sylphs of Space beat, aka the sex beat. Jinkie was outraged. She wanted to cover the crime beat, specifically, she wanted to investigate the most exciting crime story in the Human Quadrant, the kidnapping of Alderans, which after all, was an entire planet.

But Grab Ass, as everone called him, insisted that Jinkie was on the sex beat, take it or leave it, and Jinkie was a reporter, dammit, so she took the sex beat, even though she was from a planet where women were encouraged not to think about sex, much less have sex, prior to marriage. And since moving offplanet, she had stayed true to her planet's values, or tried to.

Yet here she was, a sex reporter!

Jinkie's first assignment is Yahoo City on the rural planet of Durango 3, where she meets her local guide Pea Eye the woman wrangler, the most masculine man she has ever met, and hotmeat, the wise older sylph (the Quadrant name for consensual sex slaves). She encounters hucow stampedes and barroom brawls Innocent and chaste Jinkie must cover the story of of these wild women of outer space, but can she do so without being overwhelmed by the libidinous promptings of her long-stifled sex urges?

In her next assignment Jinkie is sent to Sexquest Station, the filthiest sex hole in the galaxy! Harsh words indeed to describe a quiet little sexual amusement park set up on giant space station. There were naked dildo jacks and smiling contests (to see which sylph could keep a smile on her face while being sexually distracted) and of course, the butt plug popping contest.

Jinkie grew much more enthusiastic about Sexquest Station when she discovered that the Borkistani sylphers were operating a sylph training pen at the station, as well as providing amusements. The Borkistanis were rumored to be the ones responsible for the kidnapping of Alderan. Will Jinkie get involved with the Borkistanis despite her boss' strict orders not to? Will the supercharged sexuality of Sexquest Station and her feelings for Quill lead her to get pricked?

In “Attack of the 100 Foot Virgin,” the third and concluding book of the Jinkie Jenkins adventures, there are things we can tell you and things we can't tell you. We can tell you that on Alderan, Jinkie is now known as “The Riotess of Cyzlyk City” and is wanted by the authorities there on numerous charges. We can tell you that Marty Stu becomes a Forest Management Services bot and is eaten a couple of times. That the Mayor of Cyzlyk City comes to believe that a distant city called "France" has declared war on Cyzlyk City, for perfectly good and sufficient Jinkie-related reasons. And we can't tell you why Jinkie HATES being a hundred-foot-tall virgin in the middle of Cyzlyk City square. Wait a minute, we can: it's because she's naked and bound. We just can't tell you why that happens. But it's perfectly rational on Alderan.

We also can't tell you why the Rabble Rebellion, the mercs, Grab Ass, John Quill, the Borkistanis and the Cyzlyk City copbots all want to get their hands on Jinkie and hotmeat, or why Marty Stu got defenestrated. We can't tell you hotmeat's real name, or Marty Stu and the Interstellar Inquirer's fates. You'll just have to read the book to find out.

This story bundle is over 110,000 words long and we can tell you that the Jinkie Jenkins Adventures may well be the funniest, sexiest thing Pat Powers has ever written. Especially that one scene. No, we can't tell you what it is. You'll know.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

"How My Slave Girl Found Me" -- Brand New Novella, Now on Amazon and Smashwords.

Here's the Amazon Link for the book. 

Here's the Smashwords Link. A 22,000+ word novella for just $2.99.

I'm releasing this one on both Amazon and Smashwords at the same time, a new approach for me. Normally I've been going with Kindle Unlimited on Amazon, which gets me paid for page reads by Kindle Unlimited subscribers, but at the cost of publishing ONLY on Amazon for at least three months. But I haven't seen that much action from Kindle Unlimited, and I've seen a lot of action on Smashwords, so I'm "going wide" as publishers call it.

 This is one of those stories that was inspired by a picture. This picture:

 And you have to admit, that’s one hell of a picture. Just look at the expression on the woman’s face, combined with the raw carnality of her ass and the glamorous modern beauty with which she presents herself.

But mostly, it’s that expression. Here’s how I wrote it up in the novel (it’s not a key scene, no real spoiler here):

>It was the combination of the raw sexuality of her pink pussy display and the totally relaxed, confident, unashamed expression on her face that worked away at my mind. Finally, later that night when I sat at home staring at my computer screen, unable to write because I couldn’t think of anything else but that vision, I finally got it.

>I’d gotten the look on her face all wrong. I had mistaken it for some kind of animalistic reserve, some rare sense of herself that others didn’t possess. That wasn’t it, that wasn’t it at all. I mean, she really did not have a single fuck to give, that was true. But that was because she’d given all her fucks to Michael, literally. She was his creature. As long as she was doing what Michael wanted her to, she was doing the right thing. Always. She had no inhibitions, no doubts, no worries. Those all belonged to Michael now. She hadn’t mastered herself, she’d given herself away.

>And as the Buddha observed, those who escape the burden of self find Nirvana. Her expression, her indefinable way of carrying herself that hinted at incredible peace and tranquility, was the expression of someone who had found Nirvana, looking out at the world. People might call it self-possession, but what it actually was was other-possession. She had given herself to Michael. Literally, and what was left was a creature that utterly lived by Michael’s rules, and thrived that way.

That’s a lot to pin on an expression in a photograph, but that’s the writing game for ya.

Heeere's da blurb:

When I assumed that a woman co-worker who wore bondage jewelry all the time was a submissive and into bondage, I made a mistake. The result was a date that didn't turn out as I had hoped. But as a direct result of that mistake I met Sabrina Parker, another co-worker who was a world-class beauty with what I called ‘the Nirvana look’ to her. Thanks to my friendship with Sabrina, I soon experienced the night of my life, a night filled with kinky public sex and fun and play in a BDSM orgy that went beyond even my wildest fantasies.

And I met the woman of my dreams that night as well. I was her tall drink of water, she was my wonderful thing that came in a small package. It was truly a night that turned into a lifetime.

Sometimes a mistake can be more rewarding than success.

This novella is a kinky contemporary erotic romance that includes an HEA, a dominant alpha male, a bevy of submissive beauties, public bondage, nudity and sex, and more fun than you can (or should) shake a stick at. It’s over 22,000 words long and full of maledom/femsub fun.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

"Attack of the 100 Foot Virgin" Now On Smashwords


Get the Smashwords version of "Attack of the 100 Foot Virgin here!

(On the left we have the Amazon cover, on the right we have the Smashwords cover. We’ll be referencing the cover art shortly, but go ahead and look if you want to.)

“Attack of the 100-Foot Virgin” is the third book in the Jinkie Jenkins Adventures. I’m moving it to Smashwords and in doing so I edited it a bit, finding a few typos and so forth. It’s still the same story, just cleaned up a bit.

However, I did make a few text changes for editorial reasons, and I did that as a direct result of a keyword research I did. I was unhappy with the keywords I used on Amazon and tried to think up a few more. The scene on the cover involves the protagonist being sold at a slave auction in a city square, stark naked and in bondage, of course. To help prospective customers see the merchandise, cambots project a hundred foot tall image of her (hence our title). There are also a lot of other elements to the scene, and though no actual flying saucers, there’s stuff that’s pretty close. And of course there’s a frightened crowd.

Naturally, our virginal heroine finds it exquisitely humiliating to be paraded about naked, her every feature gigantic and clearly visible to the crowd in the square. And yet, I never researched the keyword “humiliation.” So I did, and I hit a goldmine. On Amazon, I got over 20,000 hits on the Kindle Store for books with the keyword “humiliation.” That’s HUGE. But I figured that a lot of hits might come from non-sexy books with that keyword. So I did a search for the phrase “humiliation erotica” and got over 20,000 hits. Which means of course that practically every book that had “humiliation” as a keyword is erotica. 

It’s a HUGE niche.

Well I was all over that and tried all sorts of phrases and variations of the “humiliation” keyword. And I also rewrote a few scenes to heighten Jinkie’s humiliations.

I also redid the cover, as you see up top. The old cover was just brain-dead. Zeroing in the scene with giant Jinkie in the square was a no-brainer. And I went to considerable effort to get an image of her looking gigantic in a city, poised to wreak havoc, with a ballgag in her mouth and cuffs on her wrists.  Which worked out fine as far as it went, but it didn’t go nearly far enough. 

When I looked at the cover for Smashwords, I knew it could be improved, and it was kind of obvious how. The sky, that freaking gray sky was empty and dull. It did nothing. I realized that when I had created the original image, I had been unconsciously (i.e., stupidly) emulating the promo art for “Attack of the 50-foot Woman.” My image is more or less static except for the woman. But in the promo poster, things are happening: cars and trucks are crashing and falling of elevated roadways, people are fleeing in terror, she’s got a car in her hand, it’s got it going on (except, that, like my art, the sky contains nothing but text).

I knew I wanted a pulp kinda cover, so I went in and actioned things up. I put in flying saucers, a dramatic bloody red sky with giant moon/planet, and people running in terror. All of it clip art, mind you, and not particularly UNIFIED clip art in terms of technique. The base art from both cover versions is 3-D virtual world art from Second Life. The people running in the foreground are 2D pen and ink with watercolor comic art. The spaceships are 3D graphics and go fairly nicely with the Second Life art, though their shading is better. And the sky in the background is a photo. I used a filter to give the Second Life art, especially Jinkie, to work better with the cartoon figures in the foreground, but overall, given my limitations (I’m not an artist) I thought I improved it a lot.

(That said, an artist undoubtedly would have done a MUCH better job than I did, starting with giving the image a graphically unified look, and continuing with doing a better job of designing the image, and beyond that doing a better job of implementing the design. A really good artist would come up with a cover concept that would put mine to shame. For example, see the cover to "Adventures of Bondor Woman" which was done by a real artist. When and if my books ever start making decent money – ahem, I mean more decent than the millions they already make – no one will be happier to pay artists to do the covers than me.)

Still, I think the cover is fairly effective at saying, “Here be funny, sexy science fiction.” And I’ve seen pro covers that were … much worse about visually suggesting the book’s contents.

Anyway, that’s enough nattering. Here’s da blurb:

Oh, noes! Interstellar sex reporter Jinkie Jenkins has been kidnapped! What happened to her?

Well we can't tell all, not in this blurb anyway. But in the writhing mass of science fiction adventure, hilarity and kinky sex slave fun that some call “Attack of the 100-Foot Virgin” we DO tell all.

And in this blurb, there are some things we CAN say. We can tell you that on Alderan, Jinkie is now known as “The Riotess of Cyzlyk City” and is wanted by the authorities there on numerous charges. We can tell you that Marty Stu the “non-sentient” glow ball bot becomes a Forest Management Services bot and is eaten a couple of times. That the Mayor of Cyzlyk City comes to believe that a distant city called "France" has declared war on Cyzlyk City, for perfectly good and sufficient Jinkie-related reasons. And we can't tell you why Jinkie HATES being a hundred-foot-tall virgin in the middle of Cyzlyk City square. Wait a minute, we can: it's because she's naked and in bondage, and like, totally humiliated. We just can't tell you why that happens, or why Jinkie is naked. But it's perfectly rational... on Alderan.

We also can't tell you why the Rebellion, the mercs, Grab Ass, John Quill, the Borkistanis and the Cyzlyk City copbots all want to get their hands on Jinkie and hotmeat, or why Marty Stu got defenestrated. We can't tell you hotmeat's former name, or Marty Stu and the Interstellar Inquirer's fates.

You'll just have to read the book to find out, you ridiculously silly human, you.

This novel is over 55,000 words long and we can tell you that it may well be the funniest thing Pat Powers has ever written. Especially that one scene. No, we can't tell you what it is. You'll know.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

"Jinkie Jenkins On Sexquest Station" Now on Smashwords


This is a port of a story I wrote for Amazon, the main difference is the cover I did for this one. But I am very pleased with the way the cover came out, especially the sexy, sexy smile on the slavegirl (It's Jinkie's slave hotmeat, not Jinkie herself, who is pictured, as Jinkie is not all that knowing). Here's da full blurb:

The filthiest sex hole in the galaxy! Harsh words indeed to describe a quiet little sexual amusement park set up on a giant space station, but that's how reporter Jinkie Jenkins of the Interstellar Inquirer felt about it after a few hours spent reporting on the goings-on at Sexquest Station.

Jinkie's sexually voracious slave girl hotmeat, who came along to help virginal Jinkie out with the sexy stuff, was all over Sexquest Station. That's because Sexquest Station swarmed with sylphs, as naked consensual sex slave girls were called in the parlance of the Human Quadrant. The sylphs and their owners did one sexy thing after another. There were naked dildo jacks and smiling contests (to see which sylph could keep a smile on her face the longest while being sexually molested) and there was even a flower show (the flowers being shown were nestled between the spread legs of slave girls).

Jinkie grew much more enthusiastic about Sexquest Station when she discovered that the Borkistani slavers were operating a slave training pen at the station, as well as providing amusements. The Borkistanis were legal slavers, but it was rumored that the Borkistanis did considerably less legal things than consensual slaving out in the crapsack worlds beyond the borders of the Human Quadrant.

The Borkistanis were even rumored to have kidnapped the entire planet of Alderan! It was the biggest news story in the Human Quadrant, and Jinkie was desperate to cover it instead of the sexy, sexy, far too sexy goings-on of the slavegirls on Sexquest Station.

Will Jinkie get involved with the Borkistanis despite her boss' strict orders not to? And will the overwhelmingly sexy goings-on of the sylphs on Sexquest Station bring the powerful, unknown feelings that they create in Jinkie to a head?

Guess you'll just have to read the novelette to find out!

This story is over 30,000 words long and is Number 2 in the Jinkie Jenkins, Interstellar Sex Reporter series.

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

"The Also-Ran" Now On Smashwords


Here’s the pic that inspired the story. 

Can’t you almost see her sash and tiara as she poses in her cage?  When I saw this image I thought “Beauty pageant contestant in a cage … what can I do with that?” I thought what I’d do was write a short story or a novella. Instead I wrote a novel. Happens sometimes.

Basically this is a very familiar story from erotica: a billionaire falls for a beautiful woman and kidnaps her and rapes her and makes her his sex slave, then they fall in love and live happily ever after. Honestly, even in romance days before erotica they had “bodice rippers” that were basically about powerful men raping helpless women and then the two of them fall in love. It’s a very common theme in romances.

Generally the darker aspects of these stories are glossed over. There’s very little consideration given to the possibility that the woman will be killed. But my heroine has seen enough Lifetime movies to know that a possible outcome to being kidnapped, raped and held captive for more rape, is being found dead in a ditch or a pond later. In order to deal with her captor, she has to figure out what’s going on with him psychologically. Is he a whacko who might kill her at any moment or a normal man who can be reasoned with? 

At the same time, she has to deal with her own feelings, as she discovers she’s a natural submissive who likes being bound and fucked. She also kind of likes being raped. This is all new stuff to her, but being psychologically and socially grounded, Stephanie’s able to deal with that fairly easily.

I also give James’ psychology some attention. Billionaires have become a cliché in romances. To make James fresh I didn’t go with the tragic, brooding typecasting that’s normal for billionaire main characters in a romance. Instead, I made James brilliant and highly intelligent about math and money and sex, and almost completely clueless in other ways. I also got a chance to work a little socialist propaganda into the story, showing how being a financial speculator, working with amoral people and companies in an amoral capitalist system that sees all laws, rules, regulations and morals as just barriers to be worked around, worked through or simply broken in the quest to make more money, eventually corrupts the mind and soul of a financier.

And of course the whole point of this for many readers is going to be the rape and sexual bondage scenes, and I went full-bore on those, too. Setting up the conflict as strongly as I did, I was able to write some really strong rape scenes, with powerful emotions and some imaginative sex toys. James with his sexual expertise and mildly obsessive approach to sexual bondage, has all the toys and all the techniques, and Stephanie is brand new to them (though she’s not new to sex). I had the opportunity to write some powerful sex scenes, and I did. What’s more they fit right in with the psychological elements of my story. 

I think the whole novel came together very well, with the psychological, social and sexual themes intertwining nicely.  I hope you think so, too. That said, here’s da blurb:

When Stephanie Ann Steckler didn’t win anything at the Miss Grits Beauty Pageant, she broke down crying. This was of course very wrong. In beauty pageants, only the winners cry. Losers are expected to smile.

Texas billionaire James Pugh liked to have football games, cycling events and beauty pageants on in the background while he did the intense financial speculation that made him his billions. And when he saw Stephanie crying in the background as the winners were crowned, she stole his heart.

James, an oligarch and an alpha male, was accustomed to taking what he liked when he wanted it. When Stephanie stole his heart, he abducted Stephanie’s entire body and introduced her to the world of bondage and forced sex slavery. Her reaction surprised her. And James’ reaction to getting to know Stephanie surprised him. Then Stephanie surprised him in other ways, and James surprised her in other ways. Nothing went the way either of them thought it would or feared it might.

James thought he was a Master of the Universe, but in Stephanie, he might just have found his match. Stephanie, who thought she was average and normal, discovered she was neither of these things. Will their relationship survive its very rocky beginnings and sail into the sunset?

You’ll have to read the story to find out.

This 45,000 word novel is a contemporary erotic romance featuring an alpha male hero, a submissive heroine and a happily ever after.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Jinkie Jenkins, Interstellar Sex Reporter: The Story on Durango 3 Now on Smashwords


Da blurb:

"I'm going to be a WHAT? A sex reporter? And my beat is going to be WHAT?”

Those are the first words of newly hired reporter Jinkie Jenkins, right out of journalism school, when her editor, Grabthar Assurilogan of the Interstellar Inquirer, put her on the Sylphs of Space beat, aka the sex beat. Jinkie was outraged. She wanted to cover the crime beat, specifically, she wanted to investigate the most exciting story in the Human Quadrant, the kidnapping of an entire planet.

But Assurilogan insisted that she was on the sex beat, take it or leave it, and Jinkie was a reporter, darn it, so she took the sex beat, even though she was from a planet where women were encouraged not to think about sex, much less have sex, prior to marriage. And since moving offplanet, she had stayed true to her planet's sex values, or tried to.
Yet here she was, a sex reporter, and on the Sylphs of Space beat, yet!

Sylphs were a popular cultural phenomenon on most planets, sex-positive, submissive women who liked playing at being sex slaves and other things. And thanks to advanced nanotech that let them shape their bodies and minds to suit their desires, play they did. Bound and gagged and chained and collared, they played with gusto at pleasure. People were fascinated by the doings of sylphs and the people who played with them, which is why they were a staple of sex reporting.

On her first assignment, Yahoo City on the rural planet of Durango 3, Jinkie will find all sorts of people. There will be her local guide Pea Eye the woman wrangler, the most masculine man she has ever met. There will be hotmeat, the wise sylph. There will be hucow stampedes and barroom brawls. And there will be her editor Grabthar, harrying her via interstellar holograms about the chaos that Jinkie leaves in her wake as she covers the sex lives of cowboys, hucows and ponygirls on Durango 3.

Can innocent and chaste Jinkie cover the story of of this wild women of outer space without being overwhelmed by the libidinous promptings of her long-stifled sex urges? And will Jinkie ever make any progress in breaking the planet kidnapping story open?

You'll just have to read this lighthearted, sexy space opera to find out. It's a little over 23,000 words. If you're looking for a funny science fiction novella set in an interstellar empire where human beings use nanotech to alter their bodies and minds to suit their fun, kinky sexual urges, you've found it!

This book is part 1 of the Jinkie Jenkins, Interstellar Sex Reporter trilogy. Stay tuned for Part 2: Jinkie Jenkins on Sexquest Station.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Office Slave Now On Smashwords for $1.99


It's a fun little novelette about how office work will proceed in the future of tomorrow! Da blurb:

It's the future. Robots have taken almost all of the jobs and most people live on Basic Income. They do not work, and their lives are an endless party, or an endless pursuit of their dreams, hobbies and ambitions. Nobody has to do anything just to survive.

Still, some corporations do need at least a few human beings to work for them, if only to provide human input on their products and services. Thunder Muffin Corporation is one such corporation. So how does a corporation attract human beings away from their endless parties and make them care about the WEINUS? Or the VEINUS? Or the heinous ANNUS?

By making work MORE FUN than FUN, that's how. And that's why Jenny became a corporate slave girl for Thunder Muffin Corporation, the lowest, humblest job the corporation had to offer. But if you think being a corporate slave girl is endless drudgery, that's where you're wrong. Drudgery is for robots! Slave girls are for kinky sex and bondage games, an important part of keeping any corporation humming along smoothly. Jenny will discover how much fun there is to be had in breakrooms, in hallways, in deserted meeting rooms, and in crowded workrooms, including but not limited to the slavegirl bouncy ball bondage race! Plus a mysterious message, corporate insider info and skullduggery, and a heaping helping of BDSM games!

If you're up for some upbeat, sexy BDSM fun, set your brain on robot cruise control and enjoy this ride.

This novelette is just over 15,500 words long and is part of the Basic Income universe.

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Three Tavern Slaves, A Bundle of Stories for Labor Day (And You Thought Your Job Sucked!)

It's Moira the Yard Sale Slut, Jessica the Virgin and Mia the Contortionist, all in one very bendy, very lengthy (over 100,000 words) volume. Have a great Labor Day, and remember, workers of the world, unite!

Da blurb:

"Tavern Sluts" is the adventures of three women who serve as waitresses in the Smiling Slut Tavern, a very different sort of tavern where the waitresses’ sexual use is on the menu along with the food and drink. This collection includes “Yard Sale Slut: The Novel,” “Jessica’s Virgin Auction” and “Mia the Contortionist.” All of these stories, available separately on Smashwords, are now in one tasty package!

We start with Moira, an orphan who's at one of the may low points in her life. Moira begins her story bound, gagged and naked, a slave being sold along with various other knickknacks and whatnots by her owners, the Grayson family, at their yard sale.

The slavers who’d bought her and broken her to slavery had been more than evil enough, with all the rape and whipping and whoring of her, but this was just humiliating. Sold, raped and now … discounted.

When she's bought by a local slut tavern owner, Moira figures it's just another humiliation in the long sequence of humiliations she had endured. But the Smiling Slut Tavern, Moira's new owner, has some surprises in store for her. She had no idea she'd fall in love! And she was unprepared for Sky, the First Girl, whose mysterious psychic powers take Moira's life in a whole new direction.

The next time we visit the Smiling Slut Tavern, more than a century has passed. Technology has given men and women ways of expanding sexual pleasure greatly. But technology has potential for misuse, too, and Jessica of “Jessica's Virgin Auction” is a prime example. Her parents, deeply religious and socially conservative, put a watcherball on her, a tiny flying camera that could deliver electric shocks. It was commonly used to protect children. Most parents turned the watcherballs off when their kids were safe at home.

But Jessica's parents never turned her watcherball off. The watcherball was always right there to give her tiny electric shocks if it sensed her sexuality budding.

As a result, Jessica's sexuality is a mysterious unknown territory that she is desperate to explore in the most extreme way possible. And there's no more extreme method that Jessica knows of than to become a tavern slut.

Which is how, shortly after her 18th birhday, Jessica winds up naked, bound and gagged in an alcove at the Smiling Slut Tavern, the living prize in a virgin auction, waiting eagerly for the first of ten lucky men who will have her that night.

What Jessica doesn't know is that her auction will be the spark that sets off fireworks throughout the tavern, and which will put the Smiling Slut Tavern on the map as one of the most exciting slut taverns ever and make her name forever famous!

Finally, we have Mia. Mia, like most women of her times, enjoys the dating scene as it has evolved under basic income. Mia's problem is that she likes having sex with the guys all too much. Women are supposed to string the guys along, releasing the kitty from the bag bit by bit, never emptying it. But athletic, vital, sensuous Mia had a tendency to empty the bag on the very first date.

Tavern sluts get to empty the bag all day long, every day. But Mia can't become a tavern slut because tavern sluts are the enemies of regular women, always on offer along with all the other items on the menu, making it so much harder for regular women to string the men along. How could she maintain her friendships with regular women when she was in the enemy camp?

These three stories have already been published separately on Smashwords. If you've already bought them, you won't find anything new here. If you haven't bought them, give the stories a try. You'll be glad you did!

These three stories together are over 100,000 words long, and are part of the Basic Income universe, although as noted, Moira's story precedes the advent of Basic Income.

Friday, August 20, 2021

A Wronged Wingwoman, Now On Smashwords


A Wronged Wingwoman was inspired by a picture, more accurately, a GIF. This one. It's Penny Pax and Donna Dolore in a video. And there was just something in the way Penny was shaking her head "no" and smiling at the guy who held his cock while Donna gripped her neck that said, "Story here" to me.

And after a short time I had "A Wronged Wingwoman" in which Donna is El, a wingwoman for Penny (Flea) who stole her boyfriend. This caused El to hold a secret grudge and to plan out an elaborate revenge plan that involved having Flea gang raped publicly, without anyone knowing what was happening except she and her accomplice, Neuman the Rapist.

This has nothing to do with the actual video that I know of, it's purely my own invention. In fact I borrowed from other works including the Bard himself (there's a reason El's last name is SantIAGO). And Flea herself is partially borrowed from a very funny and intelligent Brit comedy series called "Fleabag" which made Phoebe Waller-Bridge a household name in Great Britain and known by some in the US too. (The series is on Amazon Prime if you're interested. I highly recommend it.)

In "Fleabag," Phoebe Waller-Bridges' character "Fleabag" steals the lover of her bestie Boo. It's not the major event in the story, which has a LOT of other elements, but it is a source of tons of guilt for Fleabag, since Boo subsequently dies, under circumstances that suggest she may have killed herself, shortly after she learns that Fleabag has been fucking her boyfriend. 

And the thing is, it wasn't a big dramatic thing, Fleabag just grabs Boo's lover kinda because she can. And it's completely consistent with Fleabag's character -- she kind of plays emotional bumper cars with those who love her, fucking them up just for laughs. That's what makes the series fun, seeing how thoroughly Fleabag fucks things up. It's the equivalent of slapstick comedy, only done on an emotional level, which is much trickier than mere physical slapstick, requiring much high levels of writing skill than physical slapstick. It's the reason so many people in Great Britain and elsewhere think Phoebe Waller-Bridge, who scripted the series, is It On A Stick.

So I borrowed that careless lover theft though my Flea is not nearly as bright as Fleabag, she's just a physically beautiful party girl who gets away with everything, until El decides to rain on her parade for stealing her boyfriend. 

And of course, El is nothing like Boo from Fleabag. 

I built these characters to create the wild party scene that is nonstop rape, molestation, humiliation, sexual bondage, anal rape and fisting of Flea, all of it done in public. It was a very fun and long scene to write, and it all came from that little GIF. Amazing how that works sometimes. Give it a shot if you are interested.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

"Aurion Slave Girl: It Ain't Easy Being Green" a Star Trek erotic parody novella, now on sale at Smashwords for $1.99

Aurion Slave Girl: It Ain't Easy Being Green is a Star Trek erotic parody (I call my universe "Star Treque" for good and legally binding reasons, just as my protagonist is an Aurion slavegirl, not an Orion slavegirl). 

But it's a parody with a difference. I didn't use any established characters, events or locations from the canon stories, even in parody mode. I wanted to write an original story set in the Star Treque universe that stayed in canon but explored the phenomenon of Aurion slavegirls in a way that only a BDSM erotica writer could.

In my story the Aurion slavegirl has the pheremones that are canon, only I made a few changes that I think went more in keeping with what we know of how BDSM works. For example, the Aurion slavegirl pheromones in my story work by making the male so smitten with the slavegirl that he just naturally wants to do whatever makes her happy, making the male extremely receptive to whatever suggestion the Aurion slavegirl suggested.

However, I also posited that the effect wasn't one-way, that it also tended to make the Aurion slavegirl prone to really like and want to have sex with and be helpful to her Master. The effect was much less strong on the slavegirl, which meant the slavegirls were capable of using their Masters for nefarious purposes that might do them harm, but they'd feel terrible about it if it did the Master harm. They'd still DO it if it was their duty as, say, an Aurion intelligence agent, but they'd feel terrible about it.

Thinking about the Aurion slavegirl phenomenon as a whole, I saw them as a key to the development of the Aurion interstellar empire. (The Aurion Empire in my story are a client to the Klaxon Empire, much as the Orion Empire is a client to the Klingon Empire in Star Trek. But in my case "client" in name only.) Aurion slavegirls with their mind control pheromones are the perfect Mata Haris. The Aurion Empire would try to get them placed as mistresses/lovers/wives/slaves/harem members of important males in all the species they encountered, and subtly take over or at least influence that species' governance toward policies that favored the Aurions.

The Aurions would favor this approach because it dovetails very well with their experience as a species. It's their natural route to power.

Along those lines, I hold that when the Orion Master in the Star Trek: Enterprise episode "Bound" tells Captain Archer that he is under the control of his slavegirls, it’s canon but it shouldn’t be. I think the Orions would want to keep the information about Orion slavegirls’ pheromonal influence secret for as long as possible. Any species that knows about this phenomenon would immediately develop countermeasures. And any species with FTL tech would undoubtedly have the ability to develop effective countermeasures quickly and easily.

Just blurting out this secret for no reason at all is something no Orion would do. I think it was just a casual plot point for that particular story and not at all well thought in terms of what we know about Orions. And yes, I did watch a lot of Star Trek eps that feature Orions and also read some online sources. The very best single source for information about Orions was [this Youtube video]( from Certifiably Ingame. It was far better than any other source for information on the history and culture of the Orions, including Memory Alpha which had a lot of links but is noticeably skimpy on the Orions. The Certifiably Ingame video really got down with the lore on the Orions.

I did notice a certain amount of skimpiness and not-thinking-things-throughness in all of the canon sources regarding to the Orion. I ascribe it to skittishness about the BDSM elements that are inherent to the Aurion slavegirl culture as developed by canon sources. Basically they want the Aurions to be just sexy dancing girls but don’t want to delve deeply into what Aurion slavegirls would really be about (i.e., slavegirl sexuality). Also, there’s general skittishness about sexuality that’s present in most SF as well.

With regard to this general skittishness, for example, my Aurion slavegirls have used advanced medical nanotech to develop sex mods such as oral and anal clits, which make them really enjoy giving blowjobs and  doing anal. I think by the 25th century this kind of tech will be old hat.

Also, I posit the Aurions have some additoinal muscles like unto the muscles that Earth females use when they do their kegels, which allows the Orions to do some extra stuff to the cocks of males when they fuck them.

Trek hasn’t explored anything like this with regard to the Orions, and to me it’s obvious that this sort of sexual tech would exist, and be used by everyone. The canon writers just don’t want to Go There, or maybe they’re forbidden to Go There, it doesn’t matter which, the effect is the same in either event.

That’s a shame, because the Aurion slavegirls are a wonderful SF slavegirl concept that invites all kind of interesting story lines, such as mine – far better than Slave Leia, who has arguably got a better grip on the imagination of mainstream culture, which is a shame. I suspect it is largely because the Aurion slavegirls are green, which is frankly a minor point really. Something future tech could EASILY handle.

So what I’m saying in my semi-humble way is that my take on Orion slavegirls, i.e., the Aurion slavegirl, is far better than any canon take on Orion slavegirls. I did the homework, I watched the episodes, I watched the videos, and I read the Web pages. Don’t believe me? Read my story and find out! It’s slavegirl erotica AND it’s a valid science fiction story. No kidding.

Here’s da blurb:

Jaasra, an Aurion intelligence agent, is happily placed in the harem of a Bergin IV diplomat, his mind wrapped around her little finger by pheromones, when everything goes blank and she wakes up in a Fingery warehouse, being sold to a shady “businessman” name Herbert F. Mudge. Well, no matter, Mudge will be just another man to fall prey to her beauty and her Aurion slave girl pheromones.

Except that Mudge is not at all affected by her pheromones. He’s affected by her beauty, but he’s also a dominant Master who uses her as he wishes and keeps her in perfect bondage at all times. (Which ordinarily Jaasra would love, but without the pheromonal control it was all too real!)

Every day Mudge sends her to a booth on the Street of Sex in the market of Charudar, the starport city on a crapsack world called Faaria. Anyone who comes to the booth can use Jaasra sexually in any way they like that’s legal, and in a practically lawless starport like Charudar, practically everything is legal.

Jaasra gets used in all sorts of ways by all sorts of aliens, like it or not. She cannot control the collar that Mudge has put on her, and he can control her from anywhere via an app on his pad, and so can visitors to the booth via a pad in the booth. Jaasra is the helpless puppet of anyone who has the very small amount of money needed to pay for her use.

Will she ever manage to escape Mudge’s control with her sanity intact?

This novella is part of the Star Treque erotic parody universe, and is over 20,000 words long. It is in the same universe as my novel Star Treque: Invasion of the Kinky Slave Girls and occurs 50-100 years prior to the events in that story. You do not have to read one story to enjoy the other: the background universe they are in are the same, but they share no characters, events or locations. But if you like this story, you might like Star Treque.

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Junie Jameson, Snoopy Reporter's Secret Structure

  The origins of Junie Jamieson's story aren't hard to figure out if you know anything about mainstream bondage imagery. WAAAAAY before there was porn, guys were getting very into Lois Lane's habit of constantly getting tied to chairs (mostly) by gangsters, necessitating her rescue by Superman, in both the comics and the ancient TV series.

The snoopy reporter who has to get put on ice is a very old trope and if I wanted to use it, I had to figure out ways to make it new. It was easy, though. I just updated it to modern times, and had some fun with the trope while I was at it. 

For example, snoopy reporters in the old days were just tied to chairs because that's what you did with snoopy reporters. You certainly didn't shoot them! But I had the gangsters in my story all ready to kill Junie out of hand for eavesdropping on them. The only reason she gets tied to a chair is that a gangster who's doing a little background investigating on her via a laptop discovers her blog and when he tells the boss she's a socialist atheist progressive -- in other words, a looney lefty -- the crime boss decides that killing her is not necessary because no one with any power is apt to give any credibility to her at all. No one will believe her, in short. Especially since her only publication outlet is her blog, which is, as the gangster describes it, "read only by three cows in a cornfield."

Yes, tropes are fun. Also, in the comics and TV shows and the old movies, the snoopy reporter is always rescued/escapes before the Worst can happen. Well, not in my story. The worst happens, and it happens a LOT before she gets away. I mean, a lot a lot. What's more, she ... kinda likes it. A lot.

But that's not where the fun ends. The no-good that the crime boss is up to involves an operation in which he uses a bunch of phony consultants to absorb every penny of the tax money that has been designated to build a network of bike paths in Century City. All the money goes into "consultants" who write papers, but not a foot of bike path ever gets built.

It might seem outrageous, but of course it's not: it's already being done, and on a much grander scale than my dinky urban bike path scam. California has a high-speed bullet train project from LA to San Francisco  that has absorbed $10 billion in taxpayer money, and practically nothing has been, um ... built. All the money has gone to consultants. California even hired consultants to oversee the consultants, then commissioned a study on why nothing was happening, one conclusion of which was, California needed to stop hiring consultants to watch consultants ("who might not have the best interests of the state in mind") and hire people who worked directly for the state instead.

Ya don't say, Einstein?

The whole thing is so outrageous that it makes my crime boss' bike path scheme seem penny-ante, though the crime boss thinks he's hot stuff. As he says, "I didn't get to be the crime lord of Century City by actually building stuff when I'm paid to build stuff!"

Yes, writing has its pleasures.

Friday, July 23, 2021

Cover Art and Inspirational Art For "Captured By Gangsters"

 “Junie Jamieson, Snoopy Reporter” was initially planned to be a novelette, somewhere between 8,000 and 12,000 words, first draft written in about a week and published within seven days. It was initially inspired by an image, this image:

Credit: House of Gord

(There were also a number of images of women in bitchsuits that were relevant like this one

but I rejected them outright as cover art because it might make readers think the story was all about pet play, and it's not.)

The story turned out to be a novel, and the image didn't make it to the cover, first of all because I didn’t have copyright to it, and even if I DID have copyright to it, I couldn’t use it as is because it has naughty bits visible. I didn’t try to work out a Second Life version that would be acceptable because I didn’t think Second Life could do it justice even without the nudity issue. Wenona is the model in the pic, and the way her legs are spread wide by the bondage, and their nakedness, and the way that sign dangles obscenely from the buttplug stuck in her ass are what makes the pic powerful visually. Her athleticism and general bendiness contribute a lot to the power of the image. (House of Gord gets credit for the imaginative kinkiness of the pose.)  No way could Second Life come close to replicating that, with only my meager artistic skills to work it.

So I went with a more generic image, Junie practically naked in a submissive posture (kneeling with her legs spread wide, hands behind her back) and gagged and hooded, with gangsters in the middle ground and an urban cityscape in the background. I found me some gangster-ish images and a background image on Deposit Photos and went to Second Life and made up a Junie avatar, then made a test cover to try it out and came up with this:

I was not happy with it and not just because it was just four inches tall. I saved it at that size because that’s about the size it appears to be on the book’s view page – check it for yourself if you like. You can see the image full size by clicking on it, but you have to sell the reader with the image they see when they reach the page, not what they see if they click on the image.

The first reason I didn’t like the image was that the hands behind back kneeling pose left the avatar’s shoulders missing, or at least looking horribly deformed. I checked on some real life images of women kneeling with their hands behind their backs to see what they looked like, and what do you know, their shoulders did not vanish or look particularly deformed.

That was an easy fix, I just took another pick of the avatar standing (using a gray screen, which tends to work better for my purposes than a green screen) and grafted her shoulders back on. 

But even worse than the shoulders was the hood. Yeah, it was in keeping with story, very much so, but it just looked all kinds of wrong, especially at that four inch size, but also at full size. See what I mean?

At the four inch size, Junie's masked face is not even recognizable as human.

So I removed the hood, ring gag and posture collar from the avi and replaced it with a simple ball gag and a head of red hair and took another green screen shot with natural shoulders and pasted THAT on the kneeling Junie. Much better. 

And prior to that, I also changed Junie’s costume out because although I liked the thong bottom just fine, I didn’t like the see-through bra. It just didn’t flatter the avatar’s figure all that much. So I switched them out for the brass chains outfit which I thought did a much better job of showing off the avatar’s figure.

Finally, the background was just way too dark. The gangsters, who were basically silhouettes, got swallowed up in it, as did hooded Junie. (Redhead Junie, not so much.) So I found a lighter background that did a much better job of separating foreground, middle ground and background. And Voila! Cover art:

All it took was hours of work. A pro artist would have probably made a better cover in fifteen minutes, if only because they would not have made the mistakes I did in the first place. But also because they would probably have come up with a much better cover concept than I did in the even firster place. 

But I do recommend test covers for self-published authors who do their own covers. They let you literally see your mistakes. And thanks to this piece, gentle reader, YOU got to see my mistakes, too. Fun all around!

Oh, and as for the image that inspired the story: it did make it it into the story, in an important scene. If you read the book, you’ll know EXACTLY which scene, because I followed the inspirational art almost exactly. That, at least, I could do.

Now the question is, how do I manage to create novelettes instead of novels from these inspiring images? I’ll be working on that!

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Junie Jamieson, Snoopy Reporter: Captured By Gangsters! Hardcore BDSM Rape Erotica Now On Smashwords


Buy it by clicking here! Full length novel just $2.99.

Hardcore rape erotica stories are selling like gangbusters on Smashwords, and who am I to argue with gangbusters? Instead I'll join in with this full length novel about a snoopy reporter who gets caught by gangsters. Here's da blurb:

When crusading reporter/blogger Junie Jamieson eavesdrops on the crime boss of Century City to get the goods on his bike path scam, she’s caught. The crime boss turns her over to his whorehouse madam Nikki Sexy, to teach Junie the consequences of snooping on important mobsters.

Nikki, whose whorehouse specializes in serving the needs of kinky customers, has all sorts of consequences planned for Junie in no time, all of them totally nonconsensual on Junie’s part. And unfortunately, the bondage skills the whorehouse staff has developed to keep submissive customers totally restrained also works to keep Junie totally restrained. She’s kept in strict bondage while her virginity is sold off as the prize in an unusual strip club contest, and she’s also bound and often gagged as she’s raped repeatedly by the whorehouse/strip club’s customers, sometimes onstage.

To make things even worse, Junie discovers a taste for submission, bondage and humiliation inside her, so that she enjoys much of what occurs to her against her every rational conviction. To make things even worse than worse, Nikki Sexy has detected Junie’s taste for submisison, bondage and humiliation and is determined to transform proud, independent Junie into her simpering love slave. And worst of all, Junie feels the pull of Nikki’s dominance, even though Junie loves to submit to the bondage of dominant men.

Will naked, bound and gagged Junie ever escape Nikki’s evil clutches and get back to the life of cycling, blogging and being a crusader that she loves? And how will her experiences change her, if she survives? And what part does Junie's deceased editor/publisher grandfather Jebediah Jameison play in all this?

This story includes a happy ever after (HEA) ... of sorts.

You’ll just have to read the story to find out. This novel is over 57,000 words long and is set in the present day.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

"The Slut Run" a BDSM Sex Comedy Novelette, Now on Smashwords


Now available on Smashwords and other major media outlets, this is pretty much the same novelette that was initially published on Amazon four years ago. Funny and fun, and just $1.99 on the Smash (in Kindle, Nook and other popular formats).

Here's da blurb:

Cyndi was a very conservative young feminist who enjoyed nothing more than the tedious academic arguments about gender that came naturally to her as a brilliant graduate student in the Gender Studies program at good ol' Goof U (aka the Grand Unified Free University of Colombo 7).

But Cyndi had a secret, a secret she kept even from herself. Every so often she got very drunk at Gavigan's Tavern, stripped off her clothes, screamed “I am a slut!” and ran out the front door, knowing that she would be pursued by half the tavern's patrons. Because the first one to catch her and put a collar on her could claim her as his or her love slave.

It was called a slut run, a huge mass of drunken students pouring out on to the university grounds in hot pursuit of a naked woman. Who would catch Cyndi? She had run many times, always escaping. But Joe the handsome, charming bartender at Gavigan's had plans for Cyndi. As did Moira, a hot, kinky dominant woman who made Cindy's submissive knees weak.

And also seeking Cyndi were half the patrons at Gavigan's. She led them all a merry chase, and arguably was leading herself on a merry chase as well. What would happen on the day she got caught?

It's a fun run for everyone involved, even Cyndi, and especially for you!

This story is 14,196 words long and is set in its own milieu.

Monday, June 14, 2021

Yard Sale Slut: The Novel Now On Smashwords -- Hardcore BDSM Taboo Erotica


Smashwords link (includes Kindle epub and other formats) $2.99

“Yard Sale Slut: The Novel,” is the greatly revised and extended version of “Yard Sale Slut” a novella published on Amazon three years ago. The novella was 33,000 words long and the novel is 53,000 words long.

The additional 20,000 words deals with the protagonist’s experiences after she is drugged and sold to the Mossport Slave Agency by a disgruntled ex-employer. (Her employer had her reasons.) It is basically 20,000 words of pure sexual bondage BDSM goodness. Moira gets tied up and whipped, put in stocks and raped by two male slavers, locked in a cage, tied up and gang raped by three other slavegirls who aren’t tied up (lesbian gang rape) put in chains and forced to rape a tied-up slavegirl, and whored out as a slave in the slave agency’s bordello, chained to the bed the whole time of course.

And many of the proceedings are captured on video to sell as porn. The Mossport slavers profit from Moira in every way they can, totally without her consent.

This is in keeping with the original concept of “Yard Sale Slut” in which the protagonist has a very rough time at the hand of the slavers and a very dispiriting time at the hands of her first owners, which sets things up nicely for a big turnaround when she becomes a Smiling Slut Tavern slavegirl.

Now you may be wondering, “but then, why did you not include all that wonderful BDSM sex slave rape in the original “Yard Sale Slut”? And the answer is that I could not do so because “Yard Sale Slut” was originally written for Amazon, and Amazon does not do nonconsensual erotica. In order to sell the story on Amazon I had to tone down the nonconsensual stuff to virtually nothing, in fact, I had Moira AGREEING to be enslaved, signing contracts agreeing to be enslaved and everything. (This is actually more humiliating than being drugged and taken by force, and I played it for all the humiliation I could manage, but it can’t come close to matching the impact of the direct BDSM thrills as originally conceived.)

What I’m saying is, the novel version is the REAL “Yard Sale Slut” story, the hardcore pure-D sexual bondage fuckathon I originally envisioned. Oh, and it comes with a Happily Ever After, too. But … that’s not all.

I also envisioned “Yard Sale Slut” as a real science fiction story. It’s set in my Basic Income timeline, in the runup to the Oligarch Wars. The Oligarch Wars are an “If this goes on” dystopia in which technology, specifically automation, has advanced enough that machines can provide the oligarchs with every material need they might ever have. Basically, the oligarchs see the rest of humanity as leeches who compete with them for resources and who produce way too many greenhouse gases. (Though, of course, on a per capita basis, the oligarchs do a lot more damage than regular folks. But without regular folks greenhouse gases will be greatly reduced even though the oligarchs keep on oligarching.) 

Hence, the oligarchs have decided to get rid of 95 percent of us. (They’ll still need servants and employees of various kinds, of course, so a few hundred million will be saved.) But they don’t go about it in a comic book supervillain sort of way and declare war on humanity. They instead create terrible conditions in the societies they control. Things like mass evictions of the poor, food shortages, bringing back horrible institutions like chattel slavery. And when the inevitable revolts occur, they see to it that the government quashes them quickly and violently, with plenty of civilian casualties.

And the oligarchs use their control of the mainstream media to prevent anyone from knowing about all this horrible stuff going on. You could be living in the next town over from a government massacre and not know about it if you didn’t know anybody who lived there well. The oligarchs want spontaneous, local, easily quashed rebellions, but they don’t want widespread organized rebellions. Those might succeed, or perhaps get some oligarchs killed, and that’s unacceptable.

None of these things are spelled out in my story.  We see things from Moira’s eyes, and she wants mostly to escape from the world via Italian Renaissance poetry, and so has only a superficial, fragmented viewpoint of what’s going on around her, though she’s sure she doesn’t like what she sees of it.

Also, one of the things I’ve noticed in written accounts by people who have lived through wars is how weirdly isolated a war can be. People can be living an approximation of normal life in one place and going through hell not far away. 

Moira’s story takes place early on when the oligarchs are successfully waging their undeclared war on everyone. I hoped to give an unreal, science-fiction feel to her ordeals, sort of an alternate-timeline feel although this isn’t really an alternate timeline. It’s our timeline, if horrible trends get even more horrible. I wouldn’t be surprised if this future is completely off base and wrong about everything, and I devoutly hope it is. But human history makes it feel all too possible.

So, here’s da blurb:

Nobody who knew Moira Evans thought she had a brilliant future, but at least she had a good one. She was a topnotch student with a passion for Italian Renaissance poetry, unusual for a kid from a remote rural town. The most she could hope for was a teaching job at some podunk college, but it would be enough to make her hardscrabble mountain family proud and give her the sequestered life of academia she craved.

But when events beyond Moira’s control cause her to lose her family and her scholarship, she swiftly descends to the depths of a society that lost its bearings decades ago. Drugged and sold into slavery, she experiences the whip, slave rape, bondage rape, lesbian gang rape, being a slave whore, and worst of all, being sold for cheap at a yard sale! The world is going to hell and Moira is chained beneath the ground floor.

Will Moira be able to regain some semblance of peace and happiness when she’s bought by the Smiling Slave Tavern and becomes a tavern slave, having sex with customers on demand? You’ll have to read the story and find out.

This novel is 53,000 words long, and is an extensively revised and expanded version of the 33,000-word novella “Yard Sale Slut.” The story is number 3 in the Tavern Slut series but is set about 100-150 years prior to Tavern Slut #1 and Tavern Slut #2, which are roughly contemporaneous.

Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Visitor to Incel World Is Now Free On Amazon Through May 15


Get It For Free At This Link

It's an alternate world science fiction novel, I'm making it a free promo for a few days, hopefully it will draw readers to the sequel, "The Love Invasion" in which one alternate world attempts to stave off war with another. Here's da blurb on "The Visitor From Incel World:"

Ariana Heppelwhite was a promising Gender Studies grad student at Lacy Swanson College for Women in Bayport, Massachusetts. She had actually written a paper describing three hitherto unknown forms of nanoaggression! She was on track for getting a professorship and a actual job with a real salary and all the perks, maybe even tenure eventually.

Ariana had even met an unexpectedly charming incel (a phrase she had never expected to think, much less say) while doing research on incels for a grant she had. Sure, she'd done some nasty academic infighting that had an athletic department coach looking for her scalp over a transmale gaze incident, but overall, things were coming up roses for Ariana.

Then it happened. Ariana got caught in a freak physics accident while running from the gym coach, and was transported to an alternate world. And it was the exact WRONG world for a Gender Studies feminist to be transported to. It was full of women who walked around naked in public and wore collars engraved with “Property of (their significant other)” and who LOVED their collars -- and who seemed to think Ariana was a barbarian from a violent place.

And the thing was, they were all nice people, and calm people, and they just might be right about Ariana. Even more of a thing was that some not-so-nice Collar Land people thought Ariana's world represented such a threat that they should kill her for security reasons.

Will Ariana ever make it back to good old Earth from Collar Land? Will she learn to adjust to these very strange people or will she subvert their entire society? Will the not-nice people kill her? And what about that unexpectedly charming incel?

All these questions and more will be answered -- all you have to do is read this topnotch science fiction comedy!

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Mia The Contortionist Is Now On Smashwords


This is one of my sexual SF specials, where I go all in on what sort of advances medical tech can make for sexy young women. There's the usual anal and oral clits and the gag reflex nullifier, but there's a LOT more here, sexual feedback loops and other augmentations of the nervous system, and augmentations of the body, that all make sex ever so much more pleasurable and safe. (Yes, safe!)

It's all part of a raunchy, fun BDSM sex story. Here's da blurb:

Come explore the science fiction of sex in a world that's an unending sex party for everyone if they want it to be – and they do.

Mia has the best sex toys ever! She has nanotech augments in her mouth, butt and brain that let her experience sexual sensations that an unaugmented human never could. She also has nanotech augments that make her a contortionist, bendier than any unaugmented human being could ever be. And she has augments that let her share sexual pleasure sensations with her partners.

Mia is having boyfriend issues, though, because she's a natural-born slut. She wants lots of sex with lots of boys, and hence has trouble doling out her favors to keep boys interested. She's a very giving woman. But there's a solution for her: the slut tavern, where you can make love to lots and lots of boys (and girls) and make lots and lots of creds to augment your Basic Income.

And bendy women like Mia are oh, so welcome at slut taverns. Because Mia liked to bend her will to others' needs just as much as she liked bending her body. Taver sluts like Mia get to play the role of kinky sex slaves to the customers who come in AND they get paid for it! Their every sexually submissive desire comes true, as the Masters and Mistresses who come in dominate them and put them through their paces, to everyone's delight.

It's a dream of unbridled sexual pleasure for a slut like Mia, and it's about time some bold science fiction writer wrote a raunchy exploration of that dream, instead of focusing on ugly aliens that want Earth women for immoral porpoises. (Author pauses to gaze nobly into the distance as an unseen wind ruffles his curly locks.)

Dig in and enjoy the ride!

This science fiction erotica novella is a little over 22,000 words long and is part of the Basic Income universe.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Jessica's Virgin Auction is now on Smashwords

You can buy it at this link. It's the same book published on Amazon, but now costs only $1.99.

I've decided to go wide with a lot of my stories, so will be taking them out of KU and publishing them on Smashwords and probably other venues as well. Here's da blurb:

Jessica waited in a tavern alcove, naked bound and gagged, for the first of ten lucky men.

For eighteen long years, Jessica was a very good girl. She had to be. Her parents had bought a watcherball and set it on her. It floated in the air near her at all times, and made sure no one could harm her or bully her. But her sexually hyper-conservative parents had also used the watcherball to prevent her from having any contact with boys, and little or no knowledge of sex outside of the clinical details that were taught in the mandatory school sex education program.

Jessica couldn't even let her hand steal down to her private parts without getting a jolt from the watcherball, not even in her sleep!

But Jessica had an intense interest in boys and sex. Keeping it bottled up for 18 years had only intensified it. The day Jessica turned 18 and became a Basic citizen in her own right, she had deactivated the watcherball, moved into her own apartment and gotten a pornstar body nano-upgrade. Then she had applied for work as a tavern slut, the most sexually intense work there was.

And when the tavern mistress learned that Jessica was a virgin, she suggested to Jessica that they have an event that was rare even in the ultra-sexually licentious 2100s: a virgin auction (because there were so few virgins, and not all of them were interested in being tavern sluts).

Jessica went for it, big time, especially when she found out that her virginity would be auctioned to not one, but ten lucky men who'd use her, one after the other, on a single night of unbridled passion and sexual debauchery. Jessica wanted to dive right into the black box that her parents have made of sex and sexuality. She has names and clinical descriptions of the things she might do, and which might be done to her, but she has NO idea what it will feel like, how it will changer her. But Jessica does know that the idea of giving her virginity to ten random men in return for money as if she were some lowly slave girl appeals to her like nothing else ever has.

Jessica's virgin auction at the Smiling Slut Tavern will be a night of unbridled passion and raw lust that will leave the tavern in tatters. What adventures will await Jessica as she kneels naked and in sexual bondage in her alcove, locked in a chastity belt and a head harness, blindfolded and with her hands cuffed behind her back, waiting to have sex for the first time ever? Don't miss out!

This novella is over 28,000 words long and is part of the Basic Income world.

Friday, April 23, 2021

"Blast From The Past" Now On Smashwords


This one's on Smashwords because I just couldn't figure out a way to realistically describe the goings-on for women captured and enslaved in Bronze Age times in a way that made it seem consensual. In fact, doing so would be wrong: it wasn't consensual, not by a long shot.

Instead, I used the greater latitude allowed by Smashwords to describe the goings-on very directly and accurately. And my guide for this: the Bible, specifically, the Old Testament. It describes very clearly the fate of a conquered city: standard practice for the Hebrews (consistently portrayed as the Good Guys in the Bible, compared to other groups) was to kill all the males over 12 years old and enslave all the males under 12 and all the females, period. In one case the Hebrews were so pissed off at another tribe that they killed everyone, including the women and children, and also slaughtered all the livestock. (They said God told them to ... yeah, right, bastards. The truth is that the Old Testament was written by a bunch of Bronze Age tribesmen committing the atrocities that were standard inter-city relations at the time, and then telling on themselves because they just didn't know any better.)

I wanted to bring that horror to life, so I figured out a way to do it that I think made for a good story, so here's the blurb, see what you think and then hasten over to Smashwords and get some kinky Biblical horror going:

Archaeologist Pam Stone had a gift. When she handled artifacts, sometimes she got visions of what the people who had handled those artifacts in the past had been experiencing when they handled them, even centuries in the past.

Some called it psychometry. Archaeologists called it quackery. That’s why Pam told no one about her visions. She just used them to to blaze a brilliant career as an archaeologist.

It’s a dangerous gift, Pam discovers. On a Middle Eastern dig she handles a chain that was used to restrain a recently captured slave girl. The chain gives her an up close and personal vision of what it is like to be a woman captured and enslaved in Bronze Age times in the Middle East.

The experience shocks, horrifies and intrigues Pam. It also saves her life and the lives of others. And it gets some soldiers killed. You’ll have to read the story to find out how and why.

This novelette is over 13,400 words long.

I'd classify the story as a pulpy adventure story of the Lara Croft type, only with graphic sex slave sex scenes. But that makes it erotica in most people's eyes. Meh. I wish people weren't so weird about fictional depictions of sex. And sex in general.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

"So This Is My Life Now" Now Available on Smashwords

Get "So This Is My Life Now" Here!

When a high-powered corporate exec discover that lower tier employees are unexplainably happy, she investigates and thanks to a mysterious new kind of brain implant, shortly thereafter somehow becomes a sex slave to the Lesbian Janissaries of the Thongan Resistance! It's lesbian BDSM erotica with a science fiction flair! 

It's a tasty 13000+ novelette (another thousand words and it would have been a novella!) set in the Your Fantasies Unlimited milieu of my Basic Income stories. It's the same story that's been on sale on Amazon for a while, now available on Smashwords because I think it has appeal for all the lesbian sex slavery erotica fans out there.

It's been rewritten, about a thousand new words have been added, and some of the text throughout has been improved, but there's no point in buying it on Smashwords if you have it on Amazon, because it's the same story in both cases.

There IS a point to buying it on Smashwords if you haven't bought it on Amazon, and that point is that it costs a buck less: it sells for $2.99 on Amazon and for $1.99 on Smashwords. Ah, the vagaries of the marketplace!

If You're Interested, Here's Why The Cover Got Changed

The new book has a different cover. Is it better? I don't know -- it's certainly sexier. Here are both covers, so you can compare for yourself:

Old Amazon Cover:

New Smashwords Cover:

I've got both covers up side-by-side on my computer and to my mind, the new cover beats the old cover hands-down, even though it violates several rules of good cover creation.

Both covers violate one of the most basic rules of cover creation, which is, don't make the cover up yourself, get an artist to do it. I understand that rule and totally agree with it -- most artists create MUCH better covers than any writer/editor ever could. 

But I LIKE making book covers, so the hell with THAT rule. 

The new cover violates another basic rule, too. Generally, photos are considered to sell erotica better than artwork, so you should use photos, preferably of naked women (which you are not allowed to do by either Amazon or Smashwords, so you use photos of scantily-clad woman). 

In my first cover I followed the rule, but didn't like the results I got. I started out looking for an image of a corporate type (left) and a sexy almost naked woman. In the course of looking for cover art on, I found two such images of women whose faces vaguely resembled one another. So I used those two, although they weren't really typical erotica models (though one was naked and had a spectacular body). Using them, I was able to get a strong image that did a good job of portraying the corporate executive/sex slave conflict, but which wasn't all that sexy.

When it came time to publish the Smashwords edition of "So This Is My Life Now" I knew I wanted to use a sexier image to take advantage of Smashwords' looser style guides and I wanted to be truer to the image that inspired the story.

Because there was a specific image that inspired the story, seen below:

It's from a NSFW bondage video by Carissa Montgomery for the BorntobeBound website.

To approximate it, I used an image created with Second Life avatars. (DEFINITELY a no-no! Covers made with gaming images are, to be fair, often horrible.) But I think I did a pretty good job of capturing the image. I used two avatars on poseballs created by a Second Life sex rug that was hidden beneath a green screen room (that I had set to black). The background of the cover is decorative background art that I bought from Deposit Photos.

I was able to use my control of cameras and lighting to get the angle right for my image, capturing June's face from straight-on instead of the 3/4 shot from the video. And I was able to make it look as if June might be getting spanked rather than fucked. (Because that's what the poseballs had the avvies doing.)

But to be honest, I don't think my cover completely matches the image that inspires the video. There's just a wonderful "How the fuck did I wind up getting bound and fucked like this?" look to Carissa Montgomery's face that is just incredibly powerful and hard to replicate. And the smirk worn by the actress fucking her is just wonderful. The Second Life avvies, although sexy, can't match the intensity of the original image.

Also, Montgomery's body is sex and sensual in a way the Second Life avvie doesn't match.

That said, the Smashwords cover gets maybe 75-80 percent of the inspiring image, which is a huge improvement over the Amazon cover, IMHO. And I'll take that, you betcha.

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Mall of Shame: It’s Sexual Bondage Porn! No, It’s Socialist Propaganda! Stop Arguing You Two – It’s BOTH!

  In my previous post I told you that Mall of Shame is almost entirely sexual bondage porn – and I was right, it is! That’s what makes it such GOOD socialist propaganda. Good propaganda isn’t noticeable, it hovers in the background, unnoticed while it weaves its magic.

For example, I was five or six books into E.M. Foner’s Union Station series before I realized I was reading pure-dee libertarian propaganda disguised as humorous light space opera. I only figured it out when I was brought up short one day by realizing what an utterly miserable life one of the minor characters must be leading, a life of unceasing toil at a dull job he had little interest in, with almost no reward for his toil other than the very barest necessities of life. It wasn’t slavery, but it was close enough for all practical purposes. And it was presented as just a normal thing. This wasn’t SUPPOSED to be a horrible fate, it was this guy’s big opportunity. Of course, things go very well for the guy later in the story but with a very subtle change his story could have been a living hell.

So I did Foner a favor and satirized “Date Night on Union Station” with a story that pointed out the hellishness of a libertarian system in Late Nights On Onion Station which, frankly, is a very ham-handed story that clubs you over the head REALLY HARD with how rotten things are on Union/Onion Station. But hey, that’s parody for ya. It’s not intended to be propaganda.


So, I’m going to go into detail on how I injected socialist propaganda into “Mall of Shame” with descriptions of specific scenes and so forth. It will give away plot points, but given that the story is hardcore erotica (or “porn” as it’s also called) it might not matter much to you. Your call whether or not you continue. You have been warned!

One of the themes I wanted to work with was the alienation that capitalism imposes on human beings. There’s a scene early on in the story where Karen notices that the shopgirl’s tone with her has become polite but distant, she is no longer friendly. This sends a chill up Karen’s spine: she recognizes that tone, she has used it herself in her works as a human resources manager. It’s the tone you use to calm an employee whom you are going to have to fuck over in some way. When you hear someone using it, you should be very, very alert.

The shopgirl because of her job in her capitalist business, has to alienate herself from Karen, because she’s “making a scene.” Karen needs help at this moment, but she will have none, because she’s in a mall, the very belly of the capitalist beast, and the only thing that matters in a mall is if you have money to buy the goods and services on sale. The natural impulse to help Karen is alienated, replaced by a responsibility to take care of the business imposed by management, which is why the sales clerk summons the mall cops.

I don’t spell any of this out in the story of course. That would be clumsy, club-you-over-the-head propagandizing. Some writers are clumsy and can’t help such writing, more often, they feel that their Message is Too Important to be rendered subtly, so out comes the Reader Club. This is always a bad idea.  People don’t like being clubbed over the head like baby seals, even with ideas!

 In the story we just note the chill Karen feels when she hears the shopgirl’s tone. Karen ignores it, she is too caught up in her reversal of fortune to realize she should back out of the situation quickly and quietly. 

Karen also ignores the feeling however, because for most of her life she has been a member in good standing of the Professional Managerial Class (PMC) which typically includes doctors, lawyers, corporate managers, academics, etc. She’s a Human Resources Manager for a mid-sized corporation, her husband is a tenured professor at a small college. 

And the girl who’s telling her she can’t have the bottle of “Joy of Ecstasy” perfume that she wants is a shopgirl, someone lower than her on the capitalist totem pole: let’s face it, a prole (proleterian). The shopgirl also has brown skin, so there might be some racism in there, too. But Karen would probably ignore a white shopgirl, too. Karen is alienated from the shopgirl and can’t “hear” her because she belongs to a different class than her, so she doesn’t catch the cue that she’s giving Karen that the boom is going to be lowered if she continues to act out.

In any event Karen can’t help acting out, her world is collapsing on her. Specifically, she gets bad news from her husband when her card is declined: he has been laid off -- his tenure turns out to have had limitations (part of the belt-tightening in academia imposed by capitalism). 

Karen herself is currently unemployed but she thought herself secure, that they could easily survive on her husband’s salary indefinitely, and he was tenured! Also, Karen is sure she will be rehired by her old firm soon, they hinted at that when they laid her off. This is just the sort of lie that she as a human resources manager has told employees when they got laid off, but she doesn’t recognize it as a lie when it is told to her.

That’s because she’s a meritocrat, a creature of capitalism’s class structure. She feels that she and her husband have gotten ahead through hard work and skill and that because of that they live by different rules than other, lesser beings (proles).  Meritocrats are deeply alienated not just from the proletariat, but from one another and themselves.

Karen in fact arrives at her situation precisely because of the effects her job has had on her personality. She’s a terror, a ruthless and successful corporate climber. Nobody dares to cross her. She wasn’t laid off because of incompetence, she was just what the top managers wanted in a human resources manager, a ruthless force. Her job was simply automated out of existence, as Artificial Intelligence made further inroads into mid-level management. If they had needed a human mid-level human resources manager at all, they would have kept her.

Like most meritocrats, Karen never believed she could lose her job to automation. She was so wrong.

And the ruthlessness and general “Karen-ness” that made her so successful carried over into her marriage. Her husband had not told her about his job loss because he was terrified to do so. The bad investment that sealed their financial doom was a desperate attempt on his part to restore their fortunes without Karen ever finding out about it. Desperation created by fear.

And that’s how Karen found out about her economic woes so suddenly, and so unfortunately, when her credit card is declined.

When the financial rug is pulled out from under Karen, she panics. The shoplifting isn’t a product of necessity or anything like it. She doesn’t need a $600 bottle of perfume in any real sense. But what Karen desperately needs is to be the sort of woman who can have a $600 bottle of perfume if she wants it. And what she finds out from her husband is that she is not that. THAT’S why she is so insanely intent on getting that perfume. It represents her still being a PMC member of the bourgeosie. And she is DESPERATE for that.

This being a mall, Karen can get herself out of trouble just by coming up with the money for the perfume. But her husband can’t do that for her, he has emptied all their accounts to maintain his deception and make his very bad investment. The Punishment Pit being so final in nature, the mall cops know she’s dead broke because if she had ANY financial resources, she would have used them.

(Karen is the least likable character I’ve ever created, but she and her husbands are victims of capitalism, too. They’re just utterly incapable of understanding it at present.)

Karen’s poverty is why the mall cops feel safe in manhandling Karen and dragging her off to the Security station to be tried by the mall arbitrator. Which given all the security cams, is a VERY pro forma process, and Karen is found guilty in minutes.

Then she’s processed: stripped, bound, fitted with a shock device and a dildo wand, and set out for public viewing. Now that’s she a poor person, she’s just so much meat for the machine.

Of course all of this social analysis does not show up in the story, it would stop it cold like a pig in a python. It’s the underpinnings to the story, which is pure porn on the surface. Which makes it more effective as propaganda as readers aren’t aware of the hidden structure of capitalist alienation that feeds the story, disguised as an excuse for nonconsensual kinky sex displays in a mall.

And of course when the action of the story really gets going we move way beyond what’s currently acceptable in terms of public nudity and sex, especially in malls. I explain it away as a program needed because actual jails are full of criminals who are killing people and blowing people up for revolutionary reasons. (The proles are getting restless!) But it’s actually because this is hardcore erotica, dammit. Gotta provide those kinky thrills to the readers!

Plus it’s fun to violate the upper middle class norms that govern malls so very, very thoroughly in my story. And it’s important to enjoy one’s work. And it’s important for one’s READERS to enjoy one’s work. And I hope you do.