Patty cake as played on Collar World.
“Road to Aquibonya” is finished and will be working on editing it today. This may seem amazing to you, but I proofread my stories three times before I publish them. Yes, and still mistakes get through. Sigh. But not nearly as many as used to get through.
Once I get through with editing “Road to Aquibonya" in a day or two, it will be time to return to writing “Conquest of Incel World,” the non-awaited sequel to “Visitor from Incel World.” “Conquest of Incel World,” is non-awaited because I haven't published “Visitor” yet, so how could people be waiting for the sequel when they haven't read the original?
I'm eager to get cranking on “Conquest” though, but more about that later. I should probably explain what “Incel World” is. “Incel World” is what the inhabitants of Collar World call Earth … us, in short. They call Earth “Incel World” because their only contact with Earth has been through a feminist graduate student from a New England women's college, and so their understanding of Earth is filtered through her biases and perceptions.
You see, the Collar World books were the product of a thought experiment, which was initiated after some online discussions in the Sex Positive discussion group on Reddit, where I observed that real sex positivism was hard to even conceive of, because being raised in our current sex-negative culture, we all feel that strain of sex-negativism even when we strive to be sex-positive. It's like a constant cold wind blowing in from offshore, that you constantly have to lean against whenever you go outside. You get used to it, maybe you don't really feel it, but it's there, always.
So I thought about what it might be like to live in a world where everyone was kinky and sex-positive, and thus was born Collar World. I've got four stories published set in Collar World, an alternate world where everyone is kinky and sex positive and having a very good time, thankyewverymuch.
But after writing four stories set in Collar World, all of them erotica with strong science fiction themes, it occurred to me that much of the effect of Collar World was being lost because everyone took all the very strange goings-on for granted. If I wanted to get the contrast between Collar World and Earth as we know it to the max, I needed to bring in a character who could see Collar World through Earth eyes.
And thus was born “The Visitor from Incel World.” But when I wrote the story, something strange happened. I'll save that for tomorrow, though. Enough blathering for today.
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