Meet Ana, the hostess of my new blog. Christian will be the host, but he still need work. I see Ana as a bright, happy 21-year-old college student with an open, engaging face and a killer bod ... I think I got it nailed!
I've launched a new blog, "Fifty Shades of Grey Considered," which will look at Fifty Shades of Grey as a social and media phenomenon. It already has 44 posts on it! Many ... well, all ... of the posts on the blog will look very familiar to readers of Politically Sexy, because they are lifted directly from Politically Sexy.
Ana will not be getting naked on the FSOGC blog, but hey ... THIS is Politically Sexy!
The blog will have some posts of its own, but frankly, I think the 44 posts I have written to date that deal with FSOG constitute a very good start on the blog. Granted, those of you who have read my every post will find nothing new to read as yet, but if you DO need to find out something I've written in a post about Fifty Shades, it will be a very nice resource for you.
Basically, I am seeking to attract new demographics and new dollars to this blog, which is why it will be nudity-free (could go naked if I don't have any success with it in its nudity-free format). Anyway, feel free to check it out, and like it and so forth, I'd like to get this baby launched properly!
Like I said ... this IS Politically Sexy, so Ana may wind up bound over here!
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