I’m changing my policy on blotting out images of women’s vaginas in my blog, mainly because a couple of recent posts would have been a lot more powerful if they had had the original image in place, rather than having the vagina blotted out … and I’ve got an upcoming one that is the same.
Specifically “Hard to Reach Spots” is more powerful with the woman’s actual hard to reach spots showing, as in the original, making the point of the joke more powerful graphically. In addition, “Gland Opening” is a LOT more powerful if the actual “Gland Opening” is displayed, saying “Welcome Home” in extremely powerful terms.
Since my site is rated as “adult” anyway, I figure I might as well take full advantage of the opportunities it offers.
To that end, I have updated both images and made them as they should be.
I promise only to use images with the vagina showing where it affects the point of a joke, or contributes to it in some way. I won’t show them just to show them … unless of course I find an image of a really lovely one. Then all bets are off.