
Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Angel Blade Hentai Series

It's hentai time, where the kickass fighting babes get captured and molested a LOT before they finally win the day.

This week I'm taking a break from Women in Prison films and reviewing the hentai Angel Blade. I've picked Angel Blade because it is the perfect thing to watch in the background on television while doing other things. This is not an insult -- it's very hard to find programming that works as such. It has to have enough good stuff that you've got an excellent chance of being rewarding when you pause to check it out, it has to be pointless enough that you don't have to know the plot to enjoy what you're seeing, and it has to avoid distracting you from whatever you are doing like, say, hardcore porn would. That's the train of thought that led me to write my essay on Why Isn't There A Naked Woman Dancing Channel?

In the Angel Blade hentai series, I've found something that fills that bill. I figure that it will increase productivity for people who work at home by a good 5 percent. I await the thanks of a grateful nation.

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